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iPhone 6 thread.


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
Having seen and touched both Apple's silicon and leather (Nephew has leather one, Wife has silicon) cases I'd say the silicon 1 is the better product tbh. The leather one to me just felt cheap (Which going by its RRP it certainly isn't). The silicon one is definitely "grippier".

My problem is, I buy a case that looks good. Have it on the phone for about a week then go back to running the phone naked.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Had a good look at the 6 at lunch. Again and as always, it's a stunning piece of kit, definitely alien as Roy says. Sadly the running gear as I put it is just the same, similar.

Lets be honest, it's not innovative, there are no bang stand out specs imo. I know you can't re-invent the wheel but i'd want something new and exciting. Sadly the design is mesmerising and you can't help but want to own one!


ClioSport Club Member
Had a good look at the 6 at lunch. Again and as always, it's a stunning piece of kit, definitely alien as Roy says. Sadly the running gear as I put it is just the same, similar.

Lets be honest, it's not innovative, there are no bang stand out specs imo. I know you can't re-invent the wheel but i'd want something new and exciting. Sadly the design is mesmerising and you can't help but want to own one!

I agree. It's 100% the most quality feeling phone out there. Shame that's where it ends.
  Revels Mum & Sister
It is not really where it ends though is it. iPhone always have always will just work for the MASS of the population. They also integrate incredibly well with most things. Especially if you own either or both an iPad or Macbook.

I have run Android handsets over the years but ALWAYS end up back with an iPhone. Horses for courses though I guess. Anyone thinking there would be a HUGE ground breaking spec improvment was clutching at Straws to be honest.

BUT the same applys to Android. Galaxy S3, S4, S5. Hardly ground breaking leaps each time is there.
  Fiesta ST-2
I think in terms of cpu/ram/screens, Samsung have improved at a faster rate. Iphone still has 1gb ram (granted this doesn't seem to hold it back). Also feature wise, introducing IR blaster, wireless charging, and water resistance.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
I'd love to know what you want from a phone that the 6 can't offer, other than piracy or a lower cost.

Its hardware is cutting edge and the build quality is unparalleled.

I think in terms of cpu/ram/screens, Samsung have improved at a faster rate. Iphone still has 1gb ram (granted this doesn't seem to hold it back). Also feature wise, introducing IR blaster, wireless charging, and water resistance.

cpu/ram is vastly superior on paper yet they lag like f**k in RL so its an irrelevance.

IR blaster? I use my remote, quicker.
Wireless charging is ultimately more inconvenient than wired charging.

Water resistance is a nice to have, granted although the S5 is not resistant if the ports are open unlike some other phones i've seen.
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  Fiesta ST-2
I wasn't trying to compare the phones directly, more comparing each brand/model against its predecessors. Which I am of the opinion galaxy has improved the most.

In terms of specs, as you have stated real world use it what matters. Can't deny apple run very efficiently.

And you're right I want lower cost, I want what I perceive as value for money. Not the target market for the iPhone.
  Revels Mum & Sister
As contradictory as it sounds. Value for money does not really mean it has to be cheaper to be better value for money. That is perceived value though?

I personally think they are decent value for money (For me anyway) because they do what I want, when I want in an efficent manner. Plus you say about Value. When the S5 was very first released. If you wanted the handset for free you needed for the most part a £40+ a month contract, you can get the 16GB iPhone 6 on a £43.50 contract for free... Which over a 24 months term is not exactly bank breaking.

SIM Free price, the S5 was hardly cheap either was it? None of the flagship handsets are.
  Fiesta ST-2
You're quite right VFM is subjective. I didn't perceive the S4 as value for money when it came out, I went for the HTC one. Same specs mostly, but preferred the all aluminium body and it was cheaper. Anyway going a bit off topic.

Personally I don't think the iPhone is value for money, I think if they'd charged £50-100 more for this version, it would have had little effect on sales.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Its not just the phone either, what price do you put on the accessory ecosystem, retail support, OS support (2 years minimum of the latest OS, find me any other phone/tablet hardware that gets that) and software ecosystem? all of them are superior with Apple.
  Listerine & Poledo
1) cpu/ram is vastly superior on paper yet they lag like f**k in RL so its an irrelevance.
2)Wireless charging is ultimately more inconvenient than wired charging.
3)Water resistance is a nice to have, granted although the S5 is not resistant if the ports are open unlike some other phones i've seen.

1) Headshot
2) Headshot
3) If anyone thinks that they can chuck complex electronics in water and expect it to survive is clearly lining up for some Darwinism. No phone has ever been particularly water resistant, even the ones that made outlandish claims such.....The manufacturers still wont give you a water-ingress warranty on their kit, what does that say.
A: That it's a faddy feature that might work, but dont go crying if it doesn't.


IN 2 years I'd have gone through 3 Android phones just to keep something in my pocket that actually works. So far, this iPhone 5 (the first iOS I had) has needed nothing worse than a clearout of photos and it still runs near-as-damnit as it did on day 1.

Say that about a well-used S3?


ClioSport Club Member
I really don't care enough but my Mrs 6 is 100% slower that my Nexus 5. Does it matter? No. Mine looks/is cheap. Her's doesn't/isn't.
I need advice I went apple shop but still don't know with my budget I can get either a 6 with 64gb or 6 plus 16gb I have had a 5 for two years then had this oneplus one for few weeks not a fan but I like the size but the plus is a bit bigger maybe too big dilemma anyone please


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
I still personally think that the 6+ is a little too big.

The 6 64gb is a decent size phone and memory , If cash allowed i would have went for the 6 128gb


ClioSport Club Member
  An old banger!
Loving my iPhone 6 so far. Think the screen is now a perfect size.

Really impressed with the camera quality. Much sharper than my old 5!


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
Have a question for the Guru's or people on O2 contract with the iPhone 6.

Im still running my iPhone 5 with the SIM card that i have had in it for months, My contract has been changed over and I'm all ready to pop my SIM card from my 5 into my 6 as its 4G ready.

When i took delivery of my 6 on friday O2 supplied a SIM card also, Now i know this might sound like a silly thing to do or even to ask but if i was to keep my standard iPhone 5 with the original SIM card in it and put the SIM card that was supplied with my iPhone 6 would both of them work on the same number / contract or would the new SIM card that i got with the iPhone 6 need activated which would kill the SIM in the iPhone 5 ?
Here's my battery usage for the first full day of having the 6, 6:40am to now (8:45pm):


More or less 100% screen brightness and without closing all the apps several times a day.

Much better than my 5 which went from 50% battery to 20% to completely dead in about 10mins.

Just hope the battery remains being this strong for the 2 years I've got it for!


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
So is anyone else here running their 6 with OSX 10.10 Yosemite here and use the new features?

Taking calls on the MBP is actually really good. I thought it would be gimmicky at first and make you sound like you're in a tunnel but no. Impressively they have managed to filter out large background noises to.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
They've not given us the full compliment of handoff features yet Tom but calls have started working since Beta 3. It works extremely well
  182, SQ7, Trafic
So is anyone else here running their 6 with OSX 10.10 Yosemite here and use the new features?

Taking calls on the MBP is actually really good. I thought it would be gimmicky at first and make you sound like you're in a tunnel but no. Impressively they have managed to filter out large background noises to.

I did it with my ipad whilst phone was charging upstairs. Quite cool


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Noticed today that my ipad charger and 40w anker jobby charge the phone VERY fast. Did a bit of research and the phones are fast charge enabled with a 2.1amp charger.
  M2 Comp
Battery seems impressive.

By comparison, my 5 has had 2 hours 34 mins usage since the last charge and has less than 20% battery remaining.
I'm finding the screen compared to my 5 really poor I'm not talking on un optimised apps but in general the notes app for example everything just seems fuzzy :(
