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iPhone compatible Headunit suggestions?

  330 Ci
Basically my cubasse HU has just died on its arse - so it's forced my hand into looking for a new HU (not that much of a problem as i'd been planning on upgrading the stock ICE fairly soon anyway).

Here's the tricky bit - im looking for one thats iPhone compatible; plenty are iPod compatible but none that i've found are specifically compatible with the iPhone....

So far i've only managed to find the old Alpine CDA 9853 and the new Alpine IDA-X305 (although i havent heard great things about the later..):eek:

Does anybody have any other suggestions?.. I also want to be able to retain the use of my OE steering column remote.

I'm looking to spend around £200 on it...

Thanks :rasp:
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  330 Ci
After some thought, i've decided to bin the idea of using my iPhone to store music on and try pick up an older style iPod on the cheap through ebay to use solely for in car use.

Does anybody have any recommendations for HU's that are iPod compatible?.. Ie can control an iPod through - not just play through

Ideally i'd like to maintain the use of the steering column remote also :)
  330 Ci
yeah you can; although as im shelling out for a new HU i want to get one that'll control an iPod and keep it charged..

I'm planning on stowing it in the glove box or under a seat somewhere so that its out of sight and i can leave it permanently hooked up.
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  330 Ci
Alpine do a few; check Riz's link above..

Anyway, as stated above - i've changed my mind about using an iPhone as my main source of In car audio.. if i loose it, i'll not only have lost a phone but also my source of ICE :s... not a fun prospect!

I'm now looking for an iPod compatible HU not an iPhone compatible one.

Any suggestions?
  Clio 172 Cup
Hi there, I recently purchased an alpine cva-1004rr off eBay in good nick for £100 including a ps2. Spent another £20 on the kit to use the steering wheel controls and £30 on the iPod connector. Under £160 all in for pop out screen that does it all. Use my old 20 gig iPod in the glove box so almost unlimited songs and all controllable from the head unit plus with the screen out nice and clear to use. Just keep checking ebay for those bargains!!
  330 Ci
wow that sounds pretty awesome! I hadn't really considered a fold out screen, but for that money its definately worth looking out for!

So Alpine's the brand to go for.. i've always heard good things about there sonic performance however have heard that they suffer from poorly lit screens? true?.. In my other cars i've always upgraded with a Pioneer HU as i love there interface, however fancy something abit different this time around...

...better start scanning fleabay :D
  Clio 172 Cup
Plugged might iPhone into the iPod connector on the alpine today. Plays fine and can control the tracks but doesn't charge up. Screen on the alpine seems pretty good tbh. Good luck out there!
  330 Ci
Cheers, I ended up buying one of these: Alpine CDA-105Ri (can handle both iPod & iPhone) - Seams to have everything i want and will make a good base for my ICE install :D

I've just gone to plug it in and discovered (to no real suprise) that Halfords have given me the wrong Autoleads steering wheel remote adaptor (PC99-X01); does anyone know what the correct model number is? Or an alternative?? :star:

Also, is it possible to maintain the Renault ICE Head's up display with a non OE headunit? (am expecting a resounding NO for that one but worth an ask :rasp:)
