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Is the Samsung D900i any good?

  Clio 1.2 Dynamique
Im looking for advice on whether or not to buy the samsung d900i. Its only £79.99 and i dont want to spend to much on a phone to be honest. Im after photo qualtiy more then anything else. Does anyone have any good or bad points about this phone. Both opinions would be usful. Many thanks

  05 Plate MG ZR 105 Trophy
My mother has it in pink and its not that bad tbh. You will need a microSD Card, but the thing that does my head in is the way you open it. You sort of push upwards, but as you do it you tend to press some buttons (well I do anyway). Its a good allrounder, screen quality is pretty good and its loud enough (although no-where near as loud as some Nokia's).. I don't know much about the Camera as I haven't bothered messing with it, but I think its as good as the Nokia N80 (My old fone).
if you are after photo quality then i wouldnt reccomend the d900 tbh

i would go for something like the SE k800i
