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issues, cup electrics, rear window heater, no seat belt beeping, trip computer faults

  306 TD Slut
on behalf of my lazy assed friend who cant be arsed to get a membership!

are there any known issues with these problems?

He's having a few problems with a cup he's just bought.

rear windscreen heater doesnt work, fuse is fine, relay clicks when button is pressed but no current is being drawn as you can see headlights dont dim when heater button is pressed on.

When you drive without a seatbelt on it should beep at you and display a red warning light on the dash. but it displays the light but doesnt beep..?

And finally the trip computer resets everytime the ignition is switched on and off..

Could they all be linked together?

Anyone had these probelms or know how to fault find or fix them?

thanks in advance :)
Re: issues, cup electrics, rear window heater, no seat belt beeping, trip computer fa

are there any known issues with these problems?

He's having a few problems with a cup he's just bought.

rear windscreen heater doesnt work, fuse is fine, relay clicks when button is pressed but no current is being drawn as you can see headlights dont dim when heater button is pressed on.

When you drive without a seatbelt on it should beep at you and display a red warning light on the dash. but it displays the light but doesnt beep..?

And finally the trip computer resets everytime the ignition is switched on and off..
Check the battery alos check the connections on the back of the dashboard and the earth on the dasboard.

There a few problems maianly down to crashing them.
  306 TD Slut
how hard/easy is it to get access to the earth at the back of the dash?

its never been crashed before..
Re: issues, cup electrics, rear window heater, no seat belt beeping, trip computer fa

how hard/easy is it to get access to the earth at the back of the dash?

its never been crashed before..

Take the top of the dask off its there in the center from memory.
  306 TD Slut
Re: issues, cup electrics, rear window heater,

rear windscreen is sorted now, was a socket disconnected inside the boot lid behind the grommit.

trip comp is only thinng that bothers me now.

take the top of the dash off!? how..? i dont have a haynes.. lol

i'll have a look on the weekend. cheers dude
Re: issues, cup electrics, rear window heater,

rear windscreen is sorted now, was a socket disconnected inside the boot lid behind the grommit.

trip comp is only thinng that bothers me now.

take the top of the dash off!? how..? i dont have a haynes.. lol

i'll have a look on the weekend. cheers dude

Do a search for Fubars website there a guide on therw which is good.
