man finally the beast is back on the road, and it bloody flys, the group N is sooo durable, feels like u can really go to town on it. if anyone is interested, get urself to andyspares and purchase the ren 5 gtt group n for 56 quid......its awesome.
only thing is, is i havent managed to hook up the speedo cable yet
first one is after u take the revs above 4k, the idle seems to stick at 1500rpm, is this cos of the speedo not bein hooked up?
and the other one is, suddenly its wanting to redline at 7k and not 7800 like it should with the chip.
would this be cos of the speedo not bein plugged in too? i thought maybe id put in the 1.8 ecu by mistake, but if i had im guessing it wouldnt have even fired up?
any help would be much appreciated....