you see i have this thing in the back of my mind that tells me i shout take the car above 3k rpm until my oil is sitting pretty at a nice temp, 99.9% of time i stick to this religously, problem is theres an AX GT lives not too far away and i spotted it earlier on my six after id been running the engine for about a minute, now this guy is one of those kind of people who thinks hell "stick with me til 80" then ill start pulling away and an oppurtunity to quash his beliefs are few and far between so i planted it through three gears and blew him to smitherines, then i was gutted at what i did. to make it worse i then got a complex feeling my car was now slower and began doing 0-100 times, although slightly uphill they were down by 2 seconds. would that one injustice knacker my puppy or am i being stupid, and does a slight uphill slow you down that much????