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Jetwashed Engine Issues

  Clio RS 172

Recently has my engine rebuilt as my fan belt tensioner snapped and bent all the valves and cam belt snapped etc, My engines now running again but the mechanic had my engine jetwashed to clean it all out and now its running like crap!

I have spoke to a few ppl that have suggested that the coil pack has either water trapped in or could be damaged,

Symptoms - constant misfiring, no power in the acceleration, was doing 7mpg but now up to 18, engine managment light on, emissions light also flashes every few seconds,

One good thing tho since its been done, when its revved it has a really loud growl to it, kinda similar to a scooby :s

Any ideas?
  Dodgy one
There will be water down the plugs, You'l need to remove the inlet manifild, pull the leads off, Blow them and the plugs off with a compressor and refit everything,
**Sh*t beaten too it**

The loud growl is the f**cked sound of an engine running badly, i wouldnt be reving the tits off it. Have you checked the plug wells? there a classic for getting water sitting in them, my money will be on that.

IMO NEVER JET WASH AN ENGINE, its the most retarded thing to do in the world (unless you have taken all electrics off and covered everything!!!).......steam cleaning is a must better option if you must do it, but personally engines are supposed to look a bit dirty and i wouldnt be doing it.

  Clio RS 172
rich, thats what i was told to do when i took it down to the 2nd garage, they did mention that the gasket might need replacing once its all removed though, is this a possibility?

well i wont be letting anyone jet wash it again, it was done before i knew about it tbh


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
lol at jetwashing an engine, especially a french one.
  ITB'd MK1
I'd be surprised if he jet washed it AFTER rebuilding the top end. I'd personally do it before to make it a nicer job to do, or just jet everything while it's off. Having said that, it could have been done, and would cause the symptoms you have
  Clio RS 172
well i reckon ill sort it myself rather than give him the car back, will get done quicker, will the gasket need a replacement if i take the inlet manifold off? if so i might aswell order one in before i do it
I used to work for a valeting company who done engine jetwashing. The customer had to sign a disclaimer though, to prevent any claim for damage due to water. It was then up to them if they wanted to go ahead. One thing though, we were told NEVER to wash the engine of any French car, regardless if the disclaimer was signed or not.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
99.9% its this. Water can get in but never get out.

Yep. When I replaced my spark plugs, pots 2 & 3 had really badly corroded heads on the plugs themselves. I was actually worried about being able to get them out at all at one point. :(

Managed it though and in line with what Tony says - the outer lip of the spark plug hole was damp and orange with remnants of corrosion of the plug. It is quite susprising that given the heat of the engine, that the dampness doesn't evaporate. But again, as Tony says - it can't get out. Bit of a bad design from the 'ol Frenchie Boys there, imo.

  172 Cup
my mate jet washed my engine when he borrowed my clio. he rang me in a panic cos it was severely missing. turned out the previous owner had taped up a plug lead and the fact it'd got wet had caused the problem. bought uprated leads and the car was fine. blessing in disguise tbh lol
  S4 Avant
Never understood why any one would jet wash their engine off. Far too many things to f**k up, not to mention electrics.

Once watched a bloke at a petrol station jet washing his brand new range rover, i cringed as he jet washed under the bonnet, but then lol'd when he tried to start it.
I imagine that was a fairly expensive day for him.
  Dodgy one
Jetwashed mine on a few occasions, Tin foil FTW, just dont blast the inlet, Engine cleaner, paintbrush, mist the lot to rinse

  182cup & 172 racecar
I think its really rude of people who ask for help and then never say how they get on.

Has it cured the misssfire???
