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Just chopped in O2 and changed to Plusnet!

  2014 Focus Titanium
Hey guys,

I've been using o2 as an ISP for 2 months and they have been absolutely shocking. Note: I am no on their LLU networks, just the standard O2 8mb package on BT exchange.

I managed to get out of the contract by complaining to ISPA. I couldn't get pings to any game servers below 150ms (my old ISP on the same line was around 40) and download speeds are pitiful, around 30KB/s.

So I've decided to try the Plusnet Pro package. £19.99 a month for 8mb, 15gb limit, free static IP, interleaving turned off, and low contentions. Heard very good stuff about their pro package (not so much their other packages though!). I don't do any downloading at home, I do that at work so the 15gb limit is absolutely fine.

So we'll see what the outcome is, maybe I'll be able to play COD5 on 360 with more than 2 bars connection! Wahoo!

Note: I know O2 is pretty highly regarded, but as far as i can tell they're very good on the LLU packages but the standard BT wholesale package isn't good at all.

I'll let you know how i get on!


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Was with Plusnet for 4 years.

Spot on service, tech support know what they are on about.

Dashboard gives you almost all the control you need over your connection! :)


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
I have the opposite to say about plusnet. having been with them for nearly 10 year we're thinking of changing my internet connection and speed is dire with plusnet! Can drop out as many times as 10 times a day! Also can be out for minutes or hours :nono: VERY VERY annoying esp if im bidding on ebay and at the last min the connection dies :mad::mad:
On a plus side the help line is pretty good.

We're considering moving o2 as ive got a mobile contract with them.
  Clio 182 cup'd
Plusnet holds the record for my worst customer experience ever. It took me six months to convince them that there was something wrong with my phone line...yes 6 months!!

Turns out there was a fault on my line that was limiting my 2 meg connection, it ended up dropping to something daft like 20k, and half the time would not connect. Now I know this is not Plusnets fault directly, but it would have been nice if they had trusted my judgment that the line was faulty. An engineer sorted it out in a few hours (six months after I reported it to plusnet).

At the time there was no way of contacting them by phone either, so I had to communicate by email...difficult when I have no internet connection! Things may have changed but I wouldnt go anywhere near them personally!
  BMW E46 330i Touring
I never had any service problems with Plusnet, but the way they resolve problems through their website, in a forum-based system, is a bit hit and miss.

I know you're not doing any downloading, so it wno't affect you, but Plusnet absoltuely throttle downloading speeds for p2p clients and newsgroups...
  2014 Focus Titanium
Sash that's our line quality, not ISP.

Word Easy - That sounds pretty bad, but every ISP is like that, you have to complain to ISPA to get anywhere. O2's customers services flat-refused to turn interleaving off anyone's line who is not connected to their LLU service. Interleaving can be turned off by any ISP but O2 just don't do it, this has been highlighted by many customers and is the very reason i managed to get out of my 12 month contract 10 months early for free.

By the way guys, I've heard about people having problems with plusnet before, but never with this new Pro package because it is aimed at gamers and the traffic gets priority. (Hence £20 with a 15gb limit compared to their other package which is £16 and unlimited)
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ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
Keydogg, plusnet checked my line and they said that it isnt the problem. so i just give up.
  2014 Focus Titanium
Keydogg, plusnet checked my line and they said that it isnt the problem. so i just give up.

Aye, tbh I've been with 3 or 4 reputable ISPs and when it comes to this the Customer Services are pretty poor in all companies. It's better if you can identify what is wrong and tell them what to do. I.e. tell them to decrease your train-up speed, or increase the signal strength, or take off/put on interleaving etc.
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
Im with o2 and have been for about 6months now. Im on their 16mbit package and i must say its been brilliant. Can download at 1.6mbit day and night. Great pings, can play on xbox live with absolutely no problem and on call of duty i get chosen as the host 9times out of 10 as my upload is so strong.

Great isp imo.
  2014 Focus Titanium
Aye, as I said in my previous post for you lot on LLU networks O2 are brilliant. For non-LLU they are pathetic :(
