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Just completed GTA V... worth playing through GTA IV?


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
So just completed it and thinking about what to get next. Have decided not to get another PS4 until they add 4oD & USB playback support... I never got into GTA before this one really. Would it be worth buying GTA IV and playing through it? Or would I be massively disappointed now?

Actually same question for Bioshock. Loved Infinite, would it be worth going back and playing the previous games?

What else... have heard the Batman games are meant to be good? Not really my thing but might be worth a shot, I did enjoy the first inFAMOUS!
  Nimbus Clio 197
GTA IV was very disappointing for me. I would be even more disappointed in it now, having played and completed GTA 5, and really enjoyed it.

I haven't played Bioshock Infinite, but I've played and completed the first one. Its a brilliant game, really atmospheric, I'd definitely recommend that.

As for the Batman games, I have been given Arkham City and only played it for about 10 mins, can't really comment there!
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
So just completed it and thinking about what to get next. Have decided not to get another PS4 until they add 4oD & USB playback support... I never got into GTA before this one really. Would it be worth buying GTA IV and playing through it? Or would I be massively disappointed now?

Actually same question for Bioshock. Loved Infinite, would it be worth going back and playing the previous games?

What else... have heard the Batman games are meant to be good? Not really my thing but might be worth a shot, I did enjoy the first inFAMOUS!

You can pick up GTA 4 in the Steam sales for like £2 so it's worth a punt. As for Bioshock, the first one is so much better than the second and Infinite.


ClioSport Club Member
  Defender 110
You'll be a bit disappointed compared to GTAV with them but as mentioned ballad of gay tony is the better to play.

Vice City owns all though in my opinion.
  Ciio 200
For £17 for the Complete Edition which includes the two DLC stories, you'll get 40+ hrs of gameplay. You will be slightly disappointed, but you have to consider its 6 years old now. Some of it is very annoying (Friends, Dates etc), but overall I'd say its worth a play if you enjoy the GTA series. If you play any series of games backwards you'll always be slightly disappointed as some of the good features will be missing, they won't look as good etc.

Red Dead Redemption is worth playing if you haven't already. It's also by Rockstar.

Sleeping Dogs was also good if you like 3rd person shooters. You use more martial arts than weapons.

Saints Row the Third was fun. Like GTA, but a lot less serious, and not quite as polished. Haven't played 4th one yet.

Assassins Creed games are worth looking at too. AC2 is cheap. If you like it there are plenty more in the series to keep you occupied.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Okay well found some cheap GTA IV's on eBay so putting in a few cheeky bids :)

Didn't like Red Dead Redemption tbh, found it pretty boring. What about Mass Effect?


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Well played the eBay game well and got myself GTA IV brand new still sealed for £6.19 delivered :D gotta be worth a shot at that price.
