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Just orderd 182, 1st week July delivery!

Bricking it with excitement. Ordered mine on my lunchbreak today :) Arctic Blue + trimmings (did i mention!). Andy
  2008 Golf GTI Edition 30

Thats wot I want too!!

Arctic Blue + Cup Spoilers + Cup suspension/wheels.

Hoping to order at the weekend.

Very nice ! The only thing that puts me off that colour is that it looks very similar to a Cup and I would want it to look a little different.

Just wish the Yellow wasnt such a rip off !

Enjoy your purchase, no doubt you will ! Make sure you get some photos up when you get it with your big cheesy grin ! LOL !


Was gravely tempted by the yelow (its my screensaver for goodness sake), but fear of getting bored of it after a few months put me off. Very happy with the Blue, but i know what you mean :) !!

Does yours have a cup splitter or not MrAtego? Or is it just so small its difficult to see! Mine arrives tomorrow, so itll be useful to know!


thats not a nice blue, they shouldnt have made the other blue so close to the cup blue either.

id go for the black/gold combo or red.
  Mondeo STTDCI

Flame Red woulda been mine choice but I went with arctic blue. yellow is immense tho!
  V6 255, 172's, JCW,


Nice choice of colour and spec! Picked mine up this afternoon. Arctic blue (J41) cup packs etc. Been out and about in it tonight, got loads of attention. Cant wait till its run in a bit!!

nice; yeah choosing the colour was the hardest part - my local dealer only had them in Black/G and A/Blue; so without seeing the R/Blue or Yellow in the flesh i had to play it safe. I do think the A/Blue looks awesome tho!!
