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K&N Bolt on kit.

hey, ive just got a k&n bolt on kit from a mate. i tried to remove the orginal standard air flow box off the carb, and the bolt on seems to fit on the carb ok, but is resting a bit low.

wanted to check to see if any one knew if it was ok to fit a bolt on kit like the ones here: onto a 1.4 MAXI. I think i need to get a piece for the bolt on to rest on so that its not fitted to close to the engine and probably a better cold air feed to the filter its self.


nobody have any ideas? some said that i would use an adapter piece from a 57i onto the bolt on so that i get a better fit but im not sure where i can buy just an adapter and not a full induction kit.

ok for any one that is interested i managed to fix the bolt on to the carb, it isnt a 100% but its about 98% had to drill a few holes in the air filter its self so if ur think of doing it be prepaired for some DIY. ill post a pic tomorrow of the finished article
