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K-Tec Coilovers

Has anyone tried them on track yet, or is it just a case of 'loving them' because they're cheap and you can slam da car innit?

Interested how they perform on track, as they're pretty much the same price as new oem shocks all round! Tempted!
  clio sport 172
havant trid them on a track but thay do make the car handle well round the A and B roads.would like 2 try them round a track tho.
  Iceberg Ph1
Has anyone tried them on track yet, or is it just a case of 'loving them' because they're cheap and you can slam da car innit?

Interested how they perform on track, as they're pretty much the same price as new oem shocks all round! Tempted!

Also wanting to know this, the KTR Coilies look impressive through the write ups and feedback but have yet to read anyone who have used them on track


ClioSport Club Member
  GW X200 CUP
i dont think many poeplw have had them on track as they came out just after the main part of the track season.

iv had mine on a while, i do think its smoother the oem set up despite being a good part lower. I get a bit of scrubbing under tight fast corners and every now and then on full lock so if i was to go on the track id wind my set up 10mm.
  "Navy" N17 TWO
Anyone have any problems fitting them & the solid mounts?

I'm guessing/hoping it's just a matter of drilling the holes in the turrets and fitting the struts then getting the height right :)

K-Tec Racing

ClioSport Trader
Has anyone tried them on track yet, or is it just a case of 'loving them' because they're cheap and you can slam da car innit?

Interested how they perform on track, as they're pretty much the same price as new oem shocks all round! Tempted!

We took alot of people round Rockingham during the French Car Show in Sean's 172 turbo and they coped very well.

K-Tec Racing

ClioSport Trader
Anyone have any problems fitting them & the solid mounts?

I'm guessing/hoping it's just a matter of drilling the holes in the turrets and fitting the struts then getting the height right :)

No problems to report when fitting our top mounts at the same time. As you say just drill the turrets, bolt it all in place and away you go (once fully set up of course).

  "Navy" N17 TWO
Is there much to setting them up?
I mean can most decent garages set them up for me correctly? (alignment/camber)
  Honda & VW
Is there much to setting them up?
I mean can most decent garages set them up for me correctly? (alignment/camber)

My mate fitted mine at his garage but did recommend taking it to get the camber etc setup properly which i then did, only cost me £25 to do after they fitted 2 new tyres.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Anyone have any problems fitting them & the solid mounts?

I'm guessing/hoping it's just a matter of drilling the holes in the turrets and fitting the struts then getting the height right :)

I have them with AST top mounts without any issues, the top mounts make such a difference, I love em :)

I wish there was an option with these shocks to be able to adjust the dampening as they are abit soft imo, but for the price of them you really cant complain.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Brown Bear said:
Chip on shoulder much? I'd imagine if that were true, ktec would sell them for more. I know I would. I'm not saying they're poor, we all know the vmaxx are good for a similar price.
How have I got a chip on the shoulder :S I wasn't reffuring to anything you said? There is no need to come across as agressive as you do. Not just on about that post either.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
To lighten the mood here is some pics of my car with said coilovers fitted :)





The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Has anyone tried them on track yet, or is it just a case of 'loving them' because they're cheap and you can slam da car innit?

Interested how they perform on track, as they're pretty much the same price as new oem shocks all round! Tempted!
Schweppy has had them on track and says they performed as good as his koni adjustables.
  SC 172 FF
Mine arrived today....hope to fit them over the weekend and then get them 'set up' properly over next couple of weeks

anyone attempted to fit these?
  Iceberg 172
I had these on my Cup... I've got no experience of other coilies on a Clio nor have I driven a std clio cup BUT... the handling on twisty roads was amazing... shame the brakes weren't a bit better.
Mine were the original 182 cup packed test ones and were set up by K-Tec. Have to say that this is the best money I have spent on my car. Handling is so much sharper, the ride is a lot smoother and the missus doesn't feel every pot hole when out in the car. She now actually likes going out in the car as the ride is not so harsh as the cup springs.

Couple of pics of mine


  Jap Shed
good! they were ace at cadwell.
having probs with them clicking when pulling away atm tho, performing well regardless tho.
  Converted 172 clio
You going for the solid top mounts too?

Anyone who has, what are your opinions?

I dont know if anyone has already replied to this, but i have KTR solid top mounts on my clio along with uprated engine mounts, and they made a HUGE difference to the car, realy worth the money!
