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K-tec exhaust owners-info needed!

Ok, before we start, Capt, dont say "i told you so!".....LOL

I have had the K-tec system out on my car in HK for testing, not havving seen it or heard it or even put t on the RR yet as im not in HK......

anyway, a trusted friend who is probably HKs best tunner has said that it is overly loud (and the resonance is awful) the build quality is poor (argh!!!) and it doesnt go as well.

Did this honestly happen on any of your cars?

Did yours bed in as i know the cup sysem sounded crap until it actually bedded in (i know sounds a bit silly) but now its nice.

Please, honest help needed!
  ICE'dberg MK2 172

Id be interested also Ben as I almost ordered one until I saw your post. Ill wait, and see what everyone posts.

Well pleased with mine. Awful resonance at first so i took at closer look at my installation(did it myself) and noticed that the rear axle was wery close to the pipe, adjusted the length of the pipe aft the cat, problem solved. It has become less loud after a couple of miles. Personaly i think car goes better now. Kept up with a Volvo V40 T4 (200hp 300ish NM) 10-125mph(on private roads). Build quality is superb. I have got the oval tailpipe.


K-Tec Racing

ClioSport Trader

Ben, if the build quality was poor on our exhaust systems then

a: I would not sell them, and

b: I would not put a lifetime guarantee on them.

All the silencers on all our systems are seam welded and not pressed together like most systems are. The pressed silencers are cheaper to make as well as a weaker construction method. All the pipework is also constructed from mandrel bent 304 grade stainless steel.

Wev also now have a new centre section available for the 172 with a larger silencer to quieten the exhaust note further.


Well, Im happy with mine, the results are good and the note is excellent (As some of you heard @york and Fosse Park).

David, when are you getting the de-cat pipes in mate? Ive gotta keep pushing mine now, cant have you k-tec guys having a faster car ;) also when you gonna be able to do me throttle bodies?;)

  EK9 + Mfactory gearing..

hey, iv got a k-tek zorst...twin pipes, build and sound is good v.happy with girlfriend said wot do want one of those for and it hurts her ears cheeky wench nearly got a backander, hope to be at brands hatch on the 17th for all to c. i agree with u roamer..gota keep up wiv the joneses! where u from roamer n wot else u had done from david? :D
  Lionel Richie

LOL at haitch!!!!!! Backhander, like it!!! Me and Roamer are from Solihull (Outside Brum, good for the motorshow!!!!)

Haitch - They fitting the viper, and the B&M quickShift gear lever, really good guys, and got it remapped by the guys @ Power engineering - cool.

Im not complaiing, i think they are available.......

just looking for what other say as i havent seen it on my car in HK yet.....

I went to K-tec causue they are the best.

I think all it needs is a decent bedding in.....its probably only done a few Km in hk before the guy tested it.
  EK9 + Mfactory gearing..

hey roamer, when u say remapped that a rolling road thing or u had a supachip?{as i c u got 184bhp} or anybody else had a supchip...noticed any power gains/costs? and as for u greeper best u keep up at the back! also any thoughts on power boost valves anybody? maybe i shouldnt mention it as its not going to good but im a villa fan, fekin turnip head...sack him now!
  Lionel Richie

The "superchip" that Roamers got is a remap of the ecu (no actual physical chip, basically they blank the memory on the car and then re-write it) It was done on the rollers and his car gain a total of 11bhp!!! Cost £350
  FRST and 106 GTi

ouch... rev up to 8000rpm... just can imagine the valve springs sweating to keep the job done. :/ eheh

btw, where to get uprated valve springs? no duals. no titanium...
  EK9 + Mfactory gearing..

hey fred, couldnt they do the supachip in that price? where r these power engineering ppl and have they got a website? so....the rev limit adjusted will that put a strain on other parts like butre says? bring on the info! :cool:

Haitch - well the guy at Power Engineering was very sure about what he was doing, and they have given me a guarantee for the work, so that gives me some confidence in it :)

They can do a superchip a bit cheaper than that, but with the viper and zorst mods you really want it remapped to make sure the fueling is safe, i.e. not too lean otherwise sooner or later - BANG

They are worth theyre weight - superb job and now I get an even bigger grin on my face each time I go out and can push it a bit :D

about the super chip thing guys my friend done it on his phase 1 172 check at ( i think thats the site) n find the chart for Renault Clio, thats his car. New Zealand Renault dealer got this kit that includes remap, exhaust and air filter. General impression is the throttle becomes a bit sharper and more responsive.

oh yeh anyone know if a Remus exhaust is any good on 172?
  EK9 + Mfactory gearing..

cheers roamer, that rev limit being upd to 8000rpm...obviously better accleration, does it also give u better midrange? and will u have the supachip or is wot they have done just as good?....when i asked david at k-tek about it he said they raced two 172s, one with chip the other not{the one not on 18s} he said the chipped version just edged it...just. im in aldershot so power is not far away...i like the sound of the rpm! :D

What they have done is better. A superchip is just an off the shelf chip setup for A standard 172 or whatever car. Not your particular car and doesnt take in to account any other mods you have.

Quote: Originally posted by Slugger on 27 October 2002

What they have done is better. A superchip is just an off the shelf chip setup for A standard 172 or whatever car. Not your particular car and doesnt take in to account any other mods you have.

Not true, they can map to your needs...within reason. I spend the best aprt of 3 weeks with the HK dealer making a map for teh RS-R kit i that is soon to be released in HK.....they can do a for bit, but it wont ever be quiet as flexible as a fully remappable system.....they can only work with what eh OE ECu provides.

Yeah that sounds the same as what theyve done but when haitch asked if he would get a super chip I read that to mean would he buy a superchip as in an off the shelf one.

ah, no worries mate......

i wasnt jumping on you.......but most people dont bother asking them.....

BenR - Everywhere I phoned apart from Power Engineering said they couldnt do it! and half of them referred me to Superchips head office, who said theyd charge £150 an hour, at least 2 hours, ontop of the normal superchips cost! So, from what I found its rare to find someone who will/can actually do the tweeking - here at least.

it only usually involves them sending results and specs to the head office which chnges the program to suit, you test it then try again etc etc.......we did it from HK within 1/2 hr!!!!

Hmmmm.....lazy b******s,...


Be fair to other tuners. You were lucky to have Wilman as your partner. Otherwise, you could have spent days as well.

On your RSR kit, have your ppl rr the kit after K-tech exhaust is fitted? How does it compare to the cup exhaust?

