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Lambda sensors


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Think its the length of the wire that differs a bit, but they will swap.

Its normally the pre cat thats an issue. What's up?
  2003 Clio 172
Think its the length of the wire that differs a bit, but they will swap.

Its normally the pre cat thats an issue. What's up?

Fuel economy has dipped a bit recently and runs like a pig when cold (normal to an extent though with these lol). Am getting my thermostat and temp sensor changed as Ive noticed a bit of fluctuation on engine temperature gauge recently and it's probably on the original thermostat anyway. Can't do any harm to change the front lambda sensor too.
  2003 Clio 172
May be a daft question, but if the front lambda sensor isn't functioning correctly would you always get an engine management warning light? I have no lights on so would this mean it's definitely functioning as it should? ?

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
May be a daft question, but if the front lambda sensor isn't functioning correctly would you always get an engine management warning light? I have no lights on so would this mean it's definitely functioning as it should? ?

No, doesn't mean it's working. The EML is for the post cat sensor really for emissons and things.

These cars do like to go through lambdas.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
50/60 new iirc?

I got one off here for about a tenner i think a little while ago, been spot on.
  2003 Clio 172
I bought genuine Bosch lambdas not long ago, paid £35 each (from memory). I'll hunt for the link and post it here if I find it.
Think it was in one of my previous threads actually. Checked earlier and the price had gone up, although not by much.
  dan's cast offs.
i'd say 90% of bad lambdas i've taken off haven't thrown an eml. even had injector at 3ohms that didn't throw eml either.


ClioSport Club Member
My kangoo has started to misfire again when cold and looking at live data on clip today the pre cat lambda sensor looks a bit all over the shop, no eml or codes stored. Already swapped front to back so had my moneys worth ! Will order one off the link thats a great price?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Yeah think I need one too. Anyone ordered and been happy etc?. Seems a decent price compared to others.

Shipping £7?. How much are they from others?
  dan's cast offs.
My kangoo has started to misfire again when cold and looking at live data on clip today the pre cat lambda sensor looks a bit all over the shop, no eml or codes stored. Already swapped front to back so had my moneys worth ! Will order one off the link thats a great price?

they are meant to be up and down on voltage, pretty much between 0 and 1 volt.


  BMW 320d- 172 cup
So if I was to order two, they would both fit my 172cup in regards to cable length?


ClioSport Club Member
they are meant to be up and down on voltage, pretty much between 0 and 1 volt.

Aye i know they go up and down between 0-1 as narrowband. One min its very slow to respond and instead of linear up and down seems to be jumping all over the place. Have checked connector for corrosion and all good. Its a shame its not wideband as i have a load of sensors kicking about.
  dan's cast offs.
Aye i know they go up and down between 0-1 as narrowband. One min its very slow to respond and instead of linear up and down seems to be jumping all over the place. Have checked connector for corrosion and all good. Its a shame its not wideband as i have a load of sensors kicking about.

Common for them to be slow, seem ok and then when you graph them they are bloody awful!!
Think Bosch say to replace after 90,000 miles anyway?


ClioSport Club Member
My kangoo has started to misfire again when cold and looking at live data on clip today the pre cat lambda sensor looks a bit all over the shop, no eml or codes stored. Already swapped front to back so had my moneys worth ! Will order one off the link thats a great price?

Remember that a missfire will drive the primary lambda mad.

My lambda had failed and was telling the ecu the car was running really lean, symptoms were:

Rich at idle - soot when revved.
Terrible ecconomy (20mpg - 34 after new lambdas)
Intermittent EML, would disappear after a restart and would not come back for maybe 1week
Ran well at full throttle but cat would smell really bad
Eventually the car would bog down awfully about 1min after cold start - this is because the ecu does not apply short term trims until the engine is warm.

New lambdas solved everything - however if you have a missfire and have already swapped the lambdas around I might be suspicious of another issue.



ClioSport Club Member

No worries - given the low price I was suspicious too, thought they may have been Chinese knock off's etc however after they arrived I was pretty satisfied they were genuine.





  2003 Clio 172
New Bosch lambda fitted yesterday. Car ran a lot smoother from cold this morning and didn't feel like it was being held back. Will probably take a little while to notice any increase in fuel economy, but was definitely worth changing.

ste 193

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I’m confused... is the pre cat and post car lambda sensor the same? If they are different then in what way are they?

