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LED rear light problem! NEED HELP!

  2003 Clio QS5

I've just fitted some LED stop/tail lights and when i have my headlights on, the 3rd brake light is constantly on but does get brighter when i press the brake? Also, when all lights are off and i press the brake, the trip screen on the dash gets dim while the brakes are on?

Is this an earthing problem or is it the LED bulbs?
Trip screen dimming sounds like a dodgy earth mate. I used to get rear-fog indicator on the dash when turning right, braking would sometimes make the clocks flash and dim too.
Usually it's the Drivers-side rear light cluster, the pin on the right of the bulb holders gets corroded and doesn't allow earthing properly.
As for if the LED's are affecting it, unlikely, but you can always put the originals back in and test.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
You've already posted a thread on this, we suggested trying the standard bulbs again as it sounds like the LED bulbs are shorting across the brake and tail light circuits.
  2003 Clio QS5
Thanks! Ive had this problem before, im thinking of getting a new rear cluster and wires as mine are all very rusty! Ive put the standard bulbs back in now too and they are working better, i think its to do with the low voltage required for led's
thanks for your help
i put ph2 clusters into mine and the earth pin on the actual holder was rusty as hell, it caused all sorts of weird electrical faults in the rear.
Remove the cluster, disconnect it from the wires and actually look at the connection pins, if they're rusty/not making good contact, get some needlenose pliars and scrape any rust off and give the prong a sliiiight bend and twist, better connection will probably eliminate a lot of the issues and save you some money. Don't forget some good-measure wd-40, the rust is due to moisture ingress and it won't get any better come winter.
  2003 Clio QS5
What are the LEDs? I found that some cheap crappy led's just plain sucked. CREE leds are fairly highly regarded here
Yea im going to tale it all apart, clean it up and soak it in WD! Then have a look at some decent led bulbs, not some cheap and cheerful china sh!t
cheers guys
