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Leopard Beta?

How well will the older processors cope with Spaces do you reckon?
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  Citroen DS3 DSport
I've never installed any of the pre-release versions, I'll wait until the final version is released.
  106 GTi
Yeah let other people iron out the glitches. I would just stick to Tiger which is still being improved with a 10.4.10 still being worked on.
How well will the older processors cope with Spaces do you reckon?

Fine. Apple don't design stuff which doesn't work on anything but their latest hardware.
Will work a treat on an MBP with the ATI card I would have thought.. and I'm guessing it'll work fine on the Macbook.. it'll be no different to say Expose etc.
Running four desktops similtaniously would take some processing though no?

Nah, it'll just be the same as Virtue.
It's just more apps, but in different places.. RAM will be the key as you'll probably have more stuff open at once!
mayb time to upgrade... have an extra gig in my G5 iMac at the moment... so its 1.25... maybe an extra gig? it doesnt cost much nowadays does it?

and should they be matching pairs? i.e identical? i got my first gig of ram from crucial... would it be better to get the secondfrom there too?
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  Citroen DS3 DSport
They usually recommend that you use the same make of RAM but not sure how much of a difference it really makes.

I'm looking forward to Leopard, be nice to have a OS that makes full use of my Intel processor.

I installed Adobe CS3 Suite at the weekend and it is a big improvement now it is Universal.
I have 2GB in my MBP now.. which is useful.
Pairs are better yea.. not sure what RAM is in the G5 iMac's?
Is it normal DDR or SO-DIMM?

If you already know what RAM you've put in, just get the same again to double it up :)
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I'm running 2GB in my iMac and it runs XP via Parallels perfectly alongside my open Mac apps so I'm sure it'll handle Spaces with ease.
The extra 1GB in my MBP made quite a difference to Parallels.

Only had 1GB originally and it did feel a bit sluggish with Parallels, iPhoto, Adium, Safari, Terminals, Mail etc.. open.. Heh.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I found the iMac to be sluggish too with only 1GB RAM. The extra 1GB made a huge difference.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Its a shame Apple charge £110 to add 1gb to a base macbook.

Dick turpin mutha hubbards


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
I know, i got 2gb for £50 (a while back, no idea if its cheaper)
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Apple wanted £250 for my 2GB upgrade had I ordered it with the iMac. It cost me £90 for 2 x 1GB chips from Crucial which was far better. However it does mean I was left with 2 x 512mb chips which are now no use :D
Apple wanted £250 for my 2GB upgrade had I ordered it with the iMac. It cost me £90 for 2 x 1GB chips from Crucial which was far better. However it does mean I was left with 2 x 512mb chips which are now no use :D

I ebay'd mine.. £28 or something.. wish I'd kept it for that money. Heh.
  106 GTi
Nice one - Pretty much 100% sure will check when I get home, System preferences said 1GB in one slot, and one slot empty.
Right, just checked on the Apple site - seems the new MBP's have 1 stick for 1GB.
When I got mine, everything was double.. 2 x 256MB, 2 x 512MB, 2 x 1GB etc.
  106 GTi
Mine was one of the very first ones - nice to see them being consistent. The use of 2 x 512's rather then just using a 1GB stick does annoy me. My MacPro here has 4 x512's in it wasting slots :rolleyes:
Mine was pretty early too.. definetly 2 x 512MB sticks.. unless there was an obscure option to have 1 stick, seems odd.

Anyway, have a look and then enjoy the goodness of 2GB.. 'tis awesome. :D
So it wont matter that 1gb of the memory was from crucial and the other gig is from another place possibly being a different brand of memory?
I have 1 stick of 1GB.

Is it worth getting that memory and changing both sticks, or just getting 1 stick of 1GB.

Max is 2GB on my core duo.

a lot of people say they should pare in make too but :s not sure.

I have contacted them regarding those sticks, but they have been overdue since the 12th of this month.
They were always overdue. I got mine from their first batch, and it was on preorder for AGES.

They come back into stock and they're straight out again (and that was when they were £100!). £50 is a crazy price.. :)
  106 GTi
Yeah one slot only full Daz


Size: 1 GB
Speed: 667 MHz
Status: OK


Size: Empty
Type: Empty
Speed: Empty
Status: Empty


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Daz, i installed adium yeterday!

What a program!, you got any other gem's to recommend?
