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Lift off oversteer.....


  182 cup + Elise a 182 Cuo on wet roundabouts, love it !!!:D The weather hasn't been great for driving recently but it aint half fun sometimes :approve:

Sorry just had to share that., as you were :approve:
  White Evo V
LOL! I love it atm! the other day I went half way round the roundabout sideways! People must of been thinking 'bloody hell look at that RWD clio'

Quality ;)
  DCi 100
I like to keep mine gripped in tbh, don't have the driving experience to be playing with traction.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Lift off oversteer is what small French FWD hatches are all about !

There's a couple of RABs near me which I'm sure were designed for sidewaysings. :evil:

Alex - Just find a nice big empty roundabout and when going round, just lift off gently at a low-ish speed, and see what happens. Doing 100mph into it and jumping off the gas will probably result in death, so be sensible. All it is is simple weight transfer... go try it on Forza/Gran Turismo first maybe haha.
And when it goes wrong....


Children lol, tut.
  DCi 100
Alex - Just find a nice big empty roundabout and when going round, just lift off gently at a low-ish speed, and see what happens. Doing 100mph into it and jumping off the gas will probably result in death, so be sensible. All it is is simple weight transfer... go try it on Forza/Gran Turismo first maybe haha.

Cheers, I never got back to you about those pictures did I? I'm going to leave the ones I have on for now anyways, and do some other bits :approve: Cheers for that.

I've let off before going around roundabouts and it just seems to go sluggish steering wise, never really seen it as oversteer and never had the back end out.

Lol ^ at that. A lorry was getting pulled out of a ditch like that on the M6 today, good god the size of the 2 tow trucks pulling it out was beyond insane!


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Alex - Just find a nice big empty roundabout and when going round, just lift off gently at a low-ish speed, and see what happens. Doing 100mph into it and jumping off the gas will probably result in death, so be sensible. All it is is simple weight transfer... go try it on Forza/Gran Turismo first maybe haha.

And when it goes wrong....

Children lol, tut.


  Titanium 182
For mine to step out on a roundabout I have to enter it at about 40 and quickly let off the throttle which feels a bit dodgy haha.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
I've never got either of my clios to step the arse end out.
  DCi 100
I remember seeing pics of that car ^ in Mullen's thread possibly, once it had be dragged out.

Glad it looks better now!


  Focus TDCi
It's Vicky's and I'm sure Ben is her boyfriend lol, massive thread on it ages ago. It's all fixed now.

Think I'll stick to the normal method of going round a roundabout tbh!
  Now Sold :-(
Many years ago my wife owned a 1.2 clio five door. I would occasionally take it to work and on route found a fantastic wide roundabout that was ideal for a touch of lift off ovesteer.
Over time I thought I'd fully mastered the art being able to induce a fantastic rear end slide followed by a drop of opposite lock pointing the car at the roundabouts exit every time. Until the morning arrived when the drop of opposite lock had no effect and the back end swapped places with the front and I ended up a gnats whisker away from a Ford Mondeo and it's stunned looking driver.
Lesson learned my advice is save it for the track where there is room for error and no innocent Mondeo drivers. :nono:
  Clio 200 Black and White
I have a similar story to tell - for months I loved provoking a bit of lift-off oversteer on a roundabout near my office...

One fine friday morning I flicked the little Mini left and then right, lifting at the point of weight transfer, ready to catch the slide with a touch of oppo... Next thing I know the whole car lightens up and I lose control of the rear end.

Straight over the central reservation, accross two lanes and hard up onto the opposite side of the road. There was nothing coming (it was a very well sited spot and I did have the good sense not to try anything silly when there were other cars around).

Car was a write off though and I paid for that in insurance for a long long time. I never lived it down at the office either - I suffered the humiliation of seeing all my colleagues drive by and see me on the side of the road.

Once I got my next car (a Clio 182) first thing I did was got myself a membership at a local track and booked a few lessons of driver training.
  Clio 182
Than God i used to have S13 so i wasn't suprised when it happend to me. But it's nice, so I don't miss my S13 that much. :)
  bmw e92 330d '09
Love it in FWD cars, makes it fun, love power oversteer also but only when appropriate......this happened on the Cat & Fiddle but I gat away with it luckily About 5 mins in thats me in the Elise :nono:

I actually rember watching that on TV the copper talks it up alot though

I think everybody would say "Oh s**t" if they came around a corner like that to be greeted the other side by Mr.Plod :(


  182 cup + Elise
Jamesy04 - good post count :)

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Posts: 182

Car: black 1.6 16v
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  182 cup + Elise
Nah, luckily got away with it, doesn't show how sideways that got after I passed plod. He was very condesending but he let me off so fair enough :)
  172 ph-quick
Love it in FWD cars, makes it fun, love power oversteer also but only when appropriate......this happened on the Cat & Fiddle but I gat away with it luckily About 5 mins in thats me in the Elise :nono:

YOU PRICK! pmsl, but fair play for getting away with it, may have been a bit worse had the cameras not been there and him trying to make a point.

Love the oversteer moments since ive had my clio, few times its caught me out going bit quicker than i should into a corner but always managed to catch it (fingers crossed).
but when im bored i tend to boot it onto a large-ish roundabout from a low speed so it builds up and starts understeering, then give it a sharp turn and lift off and around it goes, :D.
not that i do it when its busy though as thats just stupid.


  182 cup + Elise
When I first posted this thread I thought "I hope I dont get slated for fooling around on the road" Looks like its not just me then!! But like you all say, not when its busy :approve:
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Love it in FWD cars, makes it fun, love power oversteer also but only when appropriate......this happened on the Cat & Fiddle but I gat away with it luckily About 5 mins in thats me in the Elise :nono:
haha! that was lucky dude, did it slow you down in corners for a little while as the policeman said it would? ;) Atleast he was fairly reasonable, he probably wouldn't have even done the verbal warning were it not for the TV camera. On a side note, I need to come to the next cat and fiddle run I've not been along there yet.
