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Low humming noise from the back end

  172 (2002)
I picked up my 172 yesterday from Renault after having new rear pads and a clutch cable. Clutch and brakes are now great.

However, I took the car out for a drive to test everything out and noticed that above 60mph I'm getting a low humming sound that seems to be coming from the back end of the car. At first I thought it was the noise from a motorbike exhaust in another lane but after the bike went past the noise continued. It sounds like a muted, low humming/buzzing and it's only noticeable above 60mph, below that it fades and goes completely under 50mph.

Dabbing the brakes has no effect on it and it's the same under power or coasting.

My guess is a wheel bearing but it just seems a massive coincindece that it started after someone was tinkering around with the brakes.

Any ideas? :S
  172 (2002)
Cheers for the quick replies.

I'm supposed to be taking it on track on Monday, how easy are they to replace? DIY job?
I had mines done by a garage as you need a press to get the old out and the new in. I think you can buy new disks with the bearings in already but this will be more expensive.

My bearing was noisy for 6 months, so if its just happened it should be fine for Monday


ClioSport Moderator
172 wheel bearings are part of the rear disc, you are likely to muller the old one getting it out and the new one trying to put it in. The better option is to put new rear discs on, as by the time you've paid a garage for their time, you could have put on new discs yourself.

VERY easy job that is.
  172 (2002)
Nice one.

I'll leave it until it gets worse and replace the discs.

Or, I might take some new discs with me just incase!
  Nimbus 197, Ph1 172
Buy the parts from GSF and give it a go. You'll need a 30mm socket for the rear hubnut, and a torque wrench to make sure its torqued correctly. If you've just had rear pads, you wont need to change them again. Just clean the surface with a sheet of emery paper.
  172 (2002)
I've just called Renault West London and they've got loads of discs in stock so I might have a go at it tomorrow.


ClioSport Moderator
With bearings and abs rings mate, motor factor should be cheaper and 172 rear brakes are pretty useless anyways so it's not like you need to fork out.
  172 (2002)
Just an update for anyone who's interested.

Changed the discs over yesterday, problem solved, no more humming from the back end :)
