Well, yesterday I went back to RTEC in St ALbans and allmost had fisty cuffs over this. I rang up before hand and told them the problem, they were like well it will cost you another £94 to raise it up. So I was fuming and I went up there with my best mate who has a standard ride height Valver. I went and saw the boss he agreed that it was a bit too low. After waiting I got it raised up 15mm which is alot better and i can see out of the rear view mirror again - And to be fair to RTEC we came to a compromise and i paid £40, which is a good compromise. My arguement could be that if i was unhappy at the time of intial lowering would i have been charged a raising fee?
Anyway its done now and looks good, just gonna look at the exhaust rubbers as the exhaust is hitting the rear axle might have to improvise cause the noise is driving me potty!
Thanks for the help guys, hopefully this is the end of it.
And thanks to RTEC as they did compromise!