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MarkCup's BMW M140i


ClioSport Club Member
Is your exhaust rattling yet? Mine has started after 4000 miles. Once the revs drop on start up it’s fine. Going on that rate it will need to be fixed 10 times for the period I own it which is mental, unless the replacement parts they use are superior and do not break.


ClioSport Club Member
Is your exhaust rattling yet? Mine has started after 4000 miles. Once the revs drop on start up it’s fine. Going on that rate it will need to be fixed 10 times for the period I own it which is mental, unless the replacement parts they use are superior and do not break.

It's happened once on mine, and only after is was sat stationary idling for ages while waiting to go on the dyno. Fingers crossed it stays that way!


ClioSport Club Member
It was the first time I heard it this morning, so will see if it continues. Got to go to BMW this week anyway to pick stuff up for my E34 so might ask about it then.


ClioSport Trader
My M135i exhaust used to rattle on cold start, i just never bothered to do anything about it. It went to the dealer enough times ?

RS3's back box rattled as well. I went to Audi about that however, albeit mostly about the blue smoke ...



Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
I've seen others have an "ALL" button. They seem to have sc rimped a bit on the 1. NNot that it's a realy problem, I just thought it really odd!

What models have you seen that on? They've done away with it in every F series car I've been in regardless of 1/2/3/4 series or pre/post LCI. Even a high spec LCI 3 series that someone I know has, doesn't have any sync function for the climate!


ClioSport Club Member
What models have you seen that on? They've done away with it in every F series car I've been in regardless of 1/2/3/4 series or pre/post LCI. Even a high spec LCI 3 series that someone I know has, doesn't have any sync function for the climate!

A chap with a 5 has sent me an image of his CC with the 'ALL' button and someone recently commented that their 1 or 2 series convertible also had it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
Hero spec and appreciating residuals?

Definitely re. the 'box but I won't hold my breath on the residuals!

My Focus RS, now at the mileage it would be at if it were still in my possession, hasn't lost a £ since I sold it in October £5k miles ago (according to WBAC) whereas the 140 has dropped £1,510 and I think even that's being generous.

Nah, too many about (in general, not manuals) and the badge does it no favours....Awesome car though, I'd love one.


ClioSport Club Member
love it in black, totally blends in like your 200 did!

I feel your pain with the Focus, my 220 trophy has been in and out of the dealers various times and the Renault dealership network is horrible. Have got Renault uk involved as in the past they have got things moving and unfortunately they have been rude and have taken the hump as I took to twitter!!!! Ive now got a 6 month old car with no electric windows and they have told me there is no fault!

Have you had much dealings with BMW dealers yet? this is now going to be my most important point when choosing a new car!


ClioSport Club Member
love it in black, totally blends in like your 200 did!

I feel your pain with the Focus, my 220 trophy has been in and out of the dealers various times and the Renault dealership network is horrible. Have got Renault uk involved as in the past they have got things moving and unfortunately they have been rude and have taken the hump as I took to twitter!!!! Ive now got a 6 month old car with no electric windows and they have told me there is no fault!

Have you had much dealings with BMW dealers yet? this is now going to be my most important point when choosing a new car!

Yep, I felt that!

The last 3.5 months in the 140 have been quite strange looking back, not one trip to the official local BMW dealership apart from when trying to get a price for LSD fitting...the only points to note were that the coffee was fantastic, and also that I should not have been there long enough to have two!

My car's having it's oil service today, not by BMW though, there's a long established German car specialist I pass every single day so I'm giving them a punt on this basic task.

Signs from the handover look good, he even videoed the car as we walked around it before I gave him the keys. I save £150 of BMW tax too! I just hope they don't wash it or use the rear wiper.


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Yep, I felt that!

The last 3.5 months in the 140 have been quite strange looking back, not one trip to the official local BMW dealership apart from when trying to get a price for LSD fitting...the only points to note were that the coffee was fantastic, and also that I should not have been there long enough to have two!

My car's having it's oil service today, not by BMW though, there's a long established German car specialist I pass every single day so I'm giving them a punt on this basic task.

Signs from the handover look good, he even videoed the car as we walked around it before I gave him the keys. I save £150 of BMW tax too! I just hope they don't wash it or use the rear wiper.

How many pennies bmw charge for an oil change then?

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
How many pennies bmw charge for an oil change then?

My M3 one was quoted as £264, turned up for the oil change and they told me after an hour of waiting that they didn’t have the right oil.
Getting it done at a specialist instead now!


ClioSport Trader
@Sir_Dave experienced the bmw dealers a lot iirc

Enough to put me off buying a new/warrantied BMW ever again that was ?
Mind you, my local Audi dealer are just as bad.

A few. My M4 oil change (they pretend to do a few other things) was like £370 lol

My RS3 was about £300 as well. Absolutely bonkers amount of money, but at £130 an hour or whatever daft figure they charge, it soon adds up!

Strangely, the 3 months it took for them to diagnose/fix my valve stem seals was only £1500 when it was Audi UK paying the bill.

Who are you using @MarkCup Munich Legends?


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172 phase 2
My experience with the local BMW dealers is some are better than others. Williams Liverpool were bloody awful- 5 attempts to rectify accident repair work on a mini, Halliwell Jones Warrington a lot better but far from perfect.

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ClioSport Club Member
Yep, I felt that!

The last 3.5 months in the 140 have been quite strange looking back, not one trip to the official local BMW dealership apart from when trying to get a price for LSD fitting...the only points to note were that the coffee was fantastic, and also that I should not have been there long enough to have two!

My car's having it's oil service today, not by BMW though, there's a long established German car specialist I pass every single day so I'm giving them a punt on this basic task.

Signs from the handover look good, he even videoed the car as we walked around it before I gave him the keys. I save £150 of BMW tax too! I just hope they don't wash it or use the rear wiper.

This might be a stupid question, but why don't you want them to use the rear wiper...


ClioSport Club Member
This might be a stupid question, but why don't you want them to use the rear wiper...

I haven't used it for the for the last 6-8 weeks, doing so now without first pressure washing the grime off the rear window would probably burn the motor out!


Curiosity. The concept of rear-wiper-delete has always fascinated me, so I thought I'd see just how bad the rear vision is without wiping. It's suprisingly nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be.

That the back of the car looks so good completely minging and filthy is a bonus. A clean swept area on the rear window would ruin it. I blame @Jeff simply for planting that thought in my head.


ClioSport Club Member
Rear wiper deletes have and always will look naff.

Why not just wash your car more often? When you can see the clean sweep from the wiper it’s definitely time.

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Don't get me wrong, I've no intention of removing mine!

As for washing it, the first owner had the given the full works paint wise and it had some fancy ceramic thingy lovingly smeared over it. At this time of year if I cleaned it, as a black car, it will look clean for the first half mile before it looks minging once more hence me not bothering.

I'll wait until the weather improves and then spend a weekend stroking it myself.

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
If I was a mechanic and got in your car to move it the first thing I’d do is probably use the rear wiper to clear the window.

Have you left a note in the car day don’t use it.

Also do you have really have enough build up on the rear screen it to burn the motor out? Have you been on a rally cross course with it.


ClioSport Club Member
I think the window would have to be seriously dirty to damage the motor. I've accidentally put wipers on when it's been totally frozen and it's never burned anything out.

My 172 had had the rear wiper removed and it drove me mad to be honest.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Some cars are awful with it, some you don’t notice. The C30 literally hoovers s**t up and attaches it to the window, as did the 172, but the 1.2 didn’t.


ClioSport Club Member
Anything with a blunt rear end will do it. Creates an area of low pressure and vacuums the road surface for all its sh*te. My E91 is awful for it!
  FN2 Type R +MK6 Golf
I haven't used it for the for the last 6-8 weeks, doing so now without first pressure washing the grime off the rear window would probably burn the motor out!


Curiosity. The concept of rear-wiper-delete has always fascinated me, so I thought I'd see just how bad the rear vision is without wiping. It's suprisingly nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be.

That the back of the car looks so good completely minging and filthy is a bonus. A clean swept area on the rear window would ruin it. I blame @Jeff simply for planting that thought in my head.
I have been driving my FN2 type R for the last 9 years with no rear wiper but I also have very limited rear vision so I guess ive not missed it.
However my mk6 golf TSI has good rear vision and a wiper.
What im saying is I don't mind the civic being non wipe because I cant see anyway. But in the golf im looking for a rear view if I know its there.
The 1 series needs to see out the back.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
You can see through dirt. It has to get pretty bad to not be able to see (mark doesn’t have tinted glass either) by which time your number plate is illegible.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172 phase 2
Don't get me wrong, I've no intention of removing mine!

As for washing it, the first owner had the given the full works paint wise and it had some fancy ceramic thingy lovingly smeared over it. At this time of year if I cleaned it, as a black car, it will look clean for the first half mile before it looks minging once more hence me not bothering.

I'll wait until the weather improves and then spend a weekend stroking it myself.

Not cleaning ceramic coatings isn’t good

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ClioSport Club Member
If I was a mechanic and got in your car to move it the first thing I’d do is probably use the rear wiper to clear the window.

Have you left a note in the car day don’t use it.

Also do you have really have enough build up on the rear screen it to burn the motor out? Have you been on a rally cross course with it.

No note left but strict instructions given during the handover as we walked around the car.

As for how dirty the screen was, not really, I was being facetious.

Anything with a blunt rear end will do it. Creates an area of low pressure and vacuums the road surface for all its sh*te. My E91 is awful for it!

The 140 is about 90% better than the RS was. That was terrible for coating the back. In this, even after several weeks at this time of the year it's still not too bad.

I have been driving my FN2 type R for the last 9 years with no rear wiper but I also have very limited rear vision so I guess ive not missed it.
However my mk6 golf TSI has good rear vision and a wiper.
What im saying is I don't mind the civic being non wipe because I cant see anyway. But in the golf im looking for a rear view if I know its there.
The 1 series needs to see out the back.

There's enough vision through the grime combined with slightly adjusted door mirrors for me to be able to see all I need out back.

You can see through dirt. It has to get pretty bad to not be able to see (mark doesn’t have tinted glass either) by which time your number plate is illegible.

Which is exactly why this is as far as I got last weekend...


Not cleaning ceramic coatings isn’t good

This is news to me. I thought that the nature of a ceramic coating was that it provided an almost impenetrable protective layer?


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172 phase 2
No note left but strict instructions given during the handover as we walked around the car.

As for how dirty the screen was, not really, I was being facetious.

The 140 is about 90% better than the RS was. That was terrible for coating the back. In this, even after several weeks at this time of the year it's still not too bad.

There's enough vision through the grime combined with slightly adjusted door mirrors for me to be able to see all I need out back.

Which is exactly why this is as far as I got last weekend...

View attachment 1406087

This is news to me. I thought that the nature of a ceramic coating was that it provided an almost impenetrable protective layer?

When contamination builds up it stops the hydrophobic properties working properly. Do you know what it was coated with? I’ve had experience with both gtechniq and now Gyeon coatings. My advice would be keep on top of keeping clean with a safe wash and topping up as necessary - depending on coating Bathe + is great

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ClioSport Club Member
When contamination builds up it stops the hydrophobic properties working properly. Do you know what it was coated with? I’ve had experience with both gtechniq and now Gyeon coatings. My advice would be keep on top of keeping clean with a safe wash and topping up as necessary - depending on coating Bathe + is great

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It was Feynlab or something. What you say makes sense I guess, seeing as it's getting warmer this weekend maybe I'll break out the pressure washer and buckets!


ClioSport Club Member
  A terrible one
Mark, out of interest you mentioned the modifying has begun (on instagram), couldn’t quite work out exactly what you had done! Out of interest, what did you do?


ClioSport Club Member
Mark, out of interest you mentioned the modifying has begun (on instagram), couldn’t quite work out exactly what you had done! Out of interest, what did you do?

Nothing really...I binned the carbon mirror caps and returned it to standard. As well as wanting the car to look standard, they're suprisingly easy to just yank off...better I did it myself while taking some care than some lowlife c**k that would take none.
