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MBP RAM question.


ClioSport Club Member
Ram arrived this morning and was installed 5 minutes later. Very easy to do. Other then the two middle screws on either side won't fully screw in now. Annoying sharp screw edges.

What difference am i meant to notice?

EDIT!! Just opened iTunes and it opened before id finished clicking lol. Before it would bounce 3/4 times first. Internet is much quicker too. Odd
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Try putting the screws all in loose before nipping them up.

I find that works best whenever I've done it! They can be a royal pita though.
Screws shouldn't stick out - they didn't with mine

Is yours a unibody?

When I put 8gb in mine it was insane - every app opens in under a second
Also if you ever do any video/photo editing - 8gb is a life saver
I went from 2GB to 8GB. I've got used to it now, I wouldn't mind having a 27' Mac over my MBP now. Bloke at work ordered why a little while ago and has just put 12GB in it :(


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
RAM arrived yesterday and fitted it today. Also realised that my MBP is one of the older ones (Pre-unibody) and probably the reason I got it so cheap when I did.

Anyway, performance is noticably faster just waiting on my USB with OSX Lion arriving now.
