Last night, just as i had pulled into the Shell garage and gasped at the 79.9ppl for optimax, i start to fill it up........looks over, some guy in a mint CUP pulls in next to me.....i had to concentrate as i was only puttin £10 in the tank. Anyways, £10 in, walks over and asks, how long u had this then.........oh its my girlfirends he says.......

.........she said it needed filling up so here i am. I have a 911, but i can honestly say this is so much fun to drive!!!!!! So i points over to mine, yeah us 1.2 owners envy you lot, but its our insurance that does us. He said, yeah its a nice car u have, as my silver paint and lexus lights were shining under the petrol stations lights! we goes in to pay for the fuel, still chatting away.......pays up, and at the end of it all, ha pats me on the shoulder and says keep grafting away and you will get there in the end! its well worth it, enjoy! what a top guy! Unfortunately, when i asked him if he goes on the net he said not much really.......shame! Top marks to a sound guy!!! Love it when u get down to earth people like that!.............. funny thing ws, looked like he was wearing racing driver shoes lol! I was biting my lip when he dripped petrol down the side of it tho

Cheers, Rob