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Mindless,Spineless Scum

  182, SRT8, RS4, GT-R
Well apart from using the whole CS swear blocker some f**king mentally retarded ignoramous has done this overnight :


It covers the whole length of the car...god knows how much its gonna cost to sort out. Second time in 3 months...god help the person who's done it,i will not rest til i catch them.
  cock mobile.
FFS, gutting mate!

There really are some prats around!! Guess this shows there not all in the UK, just most of them :s
  UR 197, AB 182 FF

FFS man that sucks :( I hope it doesnt cost too much to get it sorted out.

w*****s. No respect.

Will you chop their hands off when you catch them? Is that allowed in Dubai?
You upset someone or something? Bad enough someone finding the motivation to do it once, but twice?!
fcuk me, thats nasty.

You have any ememys??? Did you rape some dude of all his cash at poker? Annoyed Ex g/f??

Good luck finding em, pay for me a visit and a room at the Burj, and i'll find em for ya, and administer the yorkshire hammer.
  182, SRT8, RS4, GT-R
As far as i'm aware haven't pissed anyone off, my brother's hire car has been done too and about 4 other cars along the road. Some little s**t getting his kicks no doubt.

Weeman....ready and waiting the little s**t will get what's coming.


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182, 1275GT, C220
Sorry to hear and see this :(

I would be so gutted if that happened to me, I hope you catch the scum!
  LY V6 with Recaros
ffs, some people have no respect for other peoples things, totally gutted for you, I'd feel sick if I saw someone had done that to my car! :mad: Chop off their hands if you ever catch them! Hope you get it sorted.
  Honda S2000
It must be that guy in the sporty 206 you were racing. He was clearly jealous of your speed. Most other cars, ie a porsche would respect the clio ;)
  '94 BMW 318i
Tossers!! If I caught anyone doing that to my motor they'd probably be 1 less empty prison cell in this country!
  Clio 197

I take-it you're still in Dubai?

I shouldn't cost as much to repair as over here if you are.... still, it's not nice.
  106 GTi
Oms said:

I take-it you're still in Dubai?

I shouldn't cost as much to repair as over here if you are.... still, it's not nice.

They had major trouble matching the paint for him last time though IIRC :(
  182, SRT8, RS4, GT-R
No camera's unfortunately as its just a parking bay for the apartment.

Yeah Oms still in Dubai sweating away, Rich is right they cocked up the paint match last time and took 2 attempts to get it right. Will all 3 panels need complete respray or can they blend the key mark into the paint withour resorting to the whole shebang?


ClioSport Club Member
Dubai182 said:
As far as i'm aware haven't pissed anyone off, my brother's hire car has been done too and about 4 other cars along the road. Some little sh*t getting his kicks no doubt.

Weeman....ready and waiting the little sh*t will get what's coming.

That is fucked up, sorry for you mate.

Is the any Law in Dubai for cutting people's balls off, just an idea?
  Honda S2000
Dubai182 said:
Will all 3 panels need complete respray or can they blend the key mark into the paint without resorting to the whole shebang?

I just showed the pics to a guy who owns a spraying business and he said that anyone who knows about cars would be able to see the difference in paint. But it depends how good they are over there. He said if it was his car he would get a respray on all the panels.

I'd go for the whole shebang unless you're thinking of selling it soon to some dumb arab guy who won't be able to tell the difference.
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
thats sucha (c)unts trick. feel sorry for u mate...1 panel would be bad enough...but all 3 + fuel cap is just takin the piss
  R26r R26
What a c**t.Gutted for ya mate.Same thing happened to my wifes car she had only had it three days.If you catch them you should nail the b*****ds hands to the floor.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  BMW M3
Someone one scratched mine and my mates cars several years back. We knew who it was and one day he drove passed as we were parked up. We flew out after him, I went off one way whilst my mate followed behind him. Like a peice of masterwork I managed to get out ahead so he was sandiched in approaching a stop sign.

Unfortunately or fortunately he sh1t himself and just pulled out right and proceeded to turn at the junction where another car hit him side on and pretty much annihilated it.

No one was hurt and I felt for the person who hiit him but they were fine, his insurance will have paid out for their damages and he learnt not to scratch peoples cars again.
FFS! Its so upsetting when this happens. I got my bonnet and wing done a year ago, only had it resprayed last month. The spray job was good but you can still make out a tiny pit line. If i caught the b*****d, i'd probably slit his neck before even thinking of the consequences. Its just a game of luck they either do your car or someone elses!
  Vee dub
Kelly_ said:
It must be that guy in the sporty 206 you were racing. He was clearly jealous of your speed. Most other cars, ie a porsche would respect the clio ;)

I'm sorry Kel, I know I said I wouldn't react at him taking you away from me but I just had to do something....

nah sorry to see that, shame it's getting more and more common these days.
