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Mk1 clio's lowered.

  Titanium 182 FF
Can people post up pics of their mk1's lowered and how much they have lowered it by.

Cheers, Mat
  RenaultSport 172.
heres myn dude...55mm on the front, and about 80 on the back :D





  Titanium 182 FF
i have 15 inch mk2 valver rims and i thought 55mm would be too much but judging by some of these pics i think it will be ok.
  clio rsi
drpped 55 on front and dont no what it is at back told them to make it even as possilbe must be about 60+ and its sittin on 14s



  A silver Honda
Turbines: best wheels for the Mk1! ;)

lowered 70-ish mm on FK highsports

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Don't you get speedbumps every 5 seconds in Holland like out here? lucky if you don't. Oh I dream of such a place.
No, where i live we almost have no speedbumps.
Damn I envy you, in my village there are about 4 normals and 4/5 sets of the square ones from my end to the next town. Damn little mk1 can't get over them with one side hitting it.
  172 Cup
i can only get 30mm springs for the front on mine its a P reg mk1 p3 will that look ok on 30mm drop or will i not notice differance?
  Audi A4 TDi Sport
you can get lower that 30mm. i have a mk1 ph3 thats 55mm on apex springs. any mk1 springs should fit. its only lights, bonnet, bumper and engine thats different in a ph3.
  172 Flamer, BMW E46
Rage#16v -- How did you wrap your harnesses around ur brace like that? and what harnesses are they? i wanna do same thing.. :)
  clioMk1 RSi & Scenic
think mines is only 35mm, but now sure....all the clios in this thread i was readin are about the same llokin, any ideas


