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mk2 172 dash removal

  ex Clio 172 owner :(
Ok, I've done a search, it seems there is two screws either side, three along the top...

I got that far and pulled on the dash and the fecker wouldn't move.

Had another search, it seems there are some screws behind the colour coded dash insert strips?

How do these come off? Do they clip back on or are they gonna need gluing?

All this hassle because the radio display backlight has gone off on one side!

  Clio 172mk2
theres 2 screws ether end plastic ones
3 screws on air vent on widscreen
the 2 window pillars pull off
the silver strip passanger side 3 screws i think
silver stip drivers side 1 screw
the steering colum cover pushs up to reveal 2 screws
  ex Clio 172 owner :(
I started to pull off the door pillars and they were stubborn. I left then alone when I got the feeling they wouldn't push back on easily and be the same as before I started.

  Clio 172mk2
pull them off a bit look at the top u`ll see a clip just pudh it with a screw driver or somet then it somes off easily

ive had my dash out a few times and it goes back fine, just remember when u hook the pillars back in , u line it in the groove on the dash
