no, youre not expecting too much BB. I recently put a post up here saying that the 205GTi and, to a lesser extent, the Golf GTi, were so fundamentally right in the stop, steer, go department that it will be very difficult to better their dynamics and, more importantly, their feel. Apart from being faster and safer, and as much as i like my 172, I cant honestly say that it is a more enjoyable car to drive than the 205GTi or the Golf GTi, because they were so good. Others may disagree, but thats what I think, anyway.
To be brutally honest, and with hindsight, I would have been happier spending £1k or so on getting new shocks, bushes, dampers, brakes, induction kit, tyres, etc on my Golf, rather than buying the C172. But then the Golf had no airbags, no abs, (no rattles!) and none of the stuff that might one day save my life. Never satisfied, eh?