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Momo Gearknob Fitting HELP! lol

  A well built VW

Yeah mate looks like youve bought a gearknob thats not designed for lift up reverse IMHO thats why it looks odd
  silver valver/hybrid

looks like a gear knob not designed for a lift reverse to me too. where u get it from?
  Punto/Clio GTT

ebay, was only 15 and its practically brand new, got all the rubber fitments and spare grub screw. think ill throw it bak on ebay n find a lift up reverse one :(.

thing is, my cousins got exactly the same gear knob, momo race air leather, and his is lift up reverse.

Could the same gearknob come in both designs or are they all lift up reverse?
  Chocolate Bar™

that gear knob isnt lift up reverse as ive got the momo race and its got a completely flat bottom without the screw on cap that covers the grub screws.

it has one grub screw that actually goes through the leather of the gear knob.

Quote: Originally posted by Final_Maxim on 03 January 2005

ebay, was only 15 and its practically brand new, got all the rubber fitments and spare grub screw. think ill throw it bak on ebay n find a lift up reverse one :(.

thing is, my cousins got exactly the same gear knob, momo race air leather, and his is lift up reverse.

Could the same gearknob come in both designs or are they all lift up reverse?

Just swap yours with your cousins then. ;)
