ok its still not 100% perfect but its 100% better than it was and im sure with more fiddling of the brackets i could get it fine, i dont think anyone will notice it now though.
this was the problem -
the lip that you can just about see curving off to the left isnt ment to be there, on the standard bonnet there is no lip, this ment the bonnet couldnt drop enough to allow it to line up, out came the steak knife and sand paper and after stabbing myself a numerous amount of times we got to this -
it now clears it nad sits pretty much flush against the wings as it should do.
to anyone thinking of buying one of these bonnets be prepared to start cutting it up, im glad i spotted this before i drilled holes init for pins.
this was the problem -
the lip that you can just about see curving off to the left isnt ment to be there, on the standard bonnet there is no lip, this ment the bonnet couldnt drop enough to allow it to line up, out came the steak knife and sand paper and after stabbing myself a numerous amount of times we got to this -
it now clears it nad sits pretty much flush against the wings as it should do.
to anyone thinking of buying one of these bonnets be prepared to start cutting it up, im glad i spotted this before i drilled holes init for pins.