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more swindon pics

Quote: Originally posted by BozVanDam on 12 May 2003

HELP - Ive actually just found myself thinking "why does everyone knock fatherteds motor - I quite like orange". ;);)
im not knocking it ! its just a real fatherted machine as it goes with his mad personality!:D

ill do it tomorrow, i really cant be arsed tonight i have to download them on another computer as the cable for the camera wont plug into this peice of crap

Quote: Originally posted by Mike Wright on 12 May 2003

Quote: Originally posted by BozVanDam on 12 May 2003

HELP - Ive actually just found myself thinking "why does everyone knock fatherteds motor - I quite like orange".
im not knocking it ! its just a real fatherted machine as it goes with his mad personality!
you wana see his driving :confused:
  silver valver/hybrid

benR i know when i started using lycos for uploading pics it said that it dosent work with some browsers, dont know how you can see them unless you want me to e-mail them too ya?

haha we got 100 pics, most of them turned out sh*t. got soem nice pics of chicks though. they couldnt get enough of the camera, lol
  silver valver/hybrid

i must say i did spot quite a few nice young ladies walking around, swindon seems like a really nice place, a lot of fecking islands though, almost as many as walsall has potholes! I nearly lost it round the island right by the pattern store, the turn was sharper than i thought and i tapped the brakes and the back end twitched out. First time thats ever happened, i think the rear tyres are wearing a bit thin now.

good selection of motors,

the blue phase 2 16v next the father teds in the second photo looks like my car !!! :D

(obviously its not though)

Quote: Originally posted by BenR on 13 May 2003

your never on time, maybe there should be a 2hr advanced meet time for you.

Your in noooo postition to judge! After your little episode at the Cardiff meet...! ;)

But ok your right... Im a terrible time keeper...! :oops:

Quote: Originally posted by sammy on 14 May 2003

Quote: Originally posted by BenR on 13 May 2003

your never on time, maybe there should be a 2hr advanced meet time for you.

Your in noooo postition to judge! After your little episode at the Cardiff meet...!

But ok your right... Im a terrible time keeper...!
thats if she makes it at all :eek:

Quote: Originally posted by cat171 on 14 May 2003

ive got a 16v

what do mean keep dreaming :confused: i have an identical car to yours.
yea, but yours aint got dents and pain where a builder haas lent on it......:p
  clio williams, Ph1 172

not surprised. He polishes it like 15 times a day lol. bet it weighs about 20 kilos more with the polish built up on it lol.

dents!!! one tiny one on the bonnet where the previous owner shut the bonnet without putting the battery terminals back on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but yeah the paint is immaculate!!!!!!!!!!!! meguiars 3 stage works a treat!

and the one on the rear 3 quarters, that funny blye stuff on the bumper.....ah, the list goes on and on and on!

shabby should take better care of it. .












not, horrid car! ;)

ok one parking dent on the rear quarter and there is that funny blue stuff, but otherwise she is MINT!!!!!! took me fooking ages to find that b*****d...

i think you are just jealous because you kept losing it on those roundabouts trying to catch up in your williams wanna;)

i tell you, its these sh*t F1s!!! lol

besides, you could never beat me in a race simple becuase i would start off going in the right direction..........NOT A WORD SIMON....not a word!
