<flame suit on>
Am I the only person thinking this is utter rollocks?

Dont mean to cause any offense, but here goes!...
a) You cant compare outputs off different rollers!!!
Case in point: I got 131.5bhp ATW at John Nobles in Chesterfield over a year ago - yet I could stick like glue to the back of Mikes 159.3bhp ATW motor round Donnington and I aint a good driver! On a high-speed track like Donnington, my cars (slightly) taller gearing shouldve hurt me on acceleration down the straight, if anything - so I cant believe theres honestly a 27.8bhp difference between our cars... He should have destroyed me if those figures were actually comparable. They arent. Different rollers get wildly different figures - and dont forget that your car has good / bad days so maybe your car on the day was performing markedly better / worse than normal?
b) Cupsize says that "Danny/Paul and myself" have the most powerful at 186bhp, yet then says hes not even had his near the rollers - how the hell do you know what youve got then mate

??!! Also, how on earth did you get a 1.6 16v to put out 137bhp ATW then without a hefty dose of laughing gas? Thats surely around 180bhp ATFW - sh*t, even Renault can only get 220bhp out of it for their Super 1600 - your talents are clearly being wasted!
c) As was mentioned earlier, take out your air-conditioning compressor and youd be pretty surprised not to see around 5-6bhp increase in output. Hang on, what a surprise the Cups seem to put out a little more than most 172s... Whod have though eh?

If someone thinks the Cup engines are in some fashion mechanically different, I think theyre deluding themselves - the Cup is the cheaper model aimed at Trackday enthusiasts who dont want creature comforts, would Renault seriously take the Cup engines to one side and sprinkle magic dust on them? If there was an easy step to a stronger engine, theyd do it to all the cars, not just the cheaper ones...
<flame suit off>
All just my opinion, of course, feel free to disagree if you like... Im also in a rather bad mood, so sorry if its a little blunt!