I figured this was long-overdue an update.
Nothing major mechanically has happened with the car. I figure after the abuse it put up with over the winter months it's earned an oil change so I'll carry that out again in a week or two.
I also bought some super cheap spark plugs off our own @
MKRS, so thanks again for that. They'll get fitted some other time.
Anyway, wanted wee plates for the car so I dropped an order to Fancy Plates. They've been on there about 2 months now and the police haven't said anything so I figure who cares.
I originally wanted to drill them to make it look OEM - but having never drilled a set of plates before I pushed a shade too hard and cracked the damn thing. It's only a small crack but enough to royally piss me off a day after buying them - so I stuck them on anyway and
didn't drill the back one.
I went out for a drive one day with my friend in his RX8 and during a bit of 'enthusiastic' driving I hear this bang. There was a lot of clattering then suddenly silence. Car felt fine but I hit the brakes anyway and jumped out to take a look. Seems my original splitter had finally given up and the Clio now had a toothy grin.
I was originally just going to whack a Fabia splitter on there, make it a bit glossy and call it a day, but the K-Tec one caught my eye - so on it went!
Next the obligatory polarised wheel nuts went on.
Unfortunately these TPI bolts are considerably softer than the standard ones and when I took them to the garage to get new shoes for the car, I neglected to tell the guys there to take the locking nuts off by hand rather than have them ruined by an impact wrench, so now they're starting to rust.

After getting the new shoes on there I knew it was time to get the car aligned again - as now the suspension had dropped, it had clearly pushed the car out of alignment as the car was mashing through tyres. So the day the new Contisport 3's went on, I got it aligned at Kwik Fit. First time I've ever actually been to a Kwik Fit, but they have the Hunter alignment system there which is what I wanted. In their defence the Pontypridd branch was incredibly helpful and the folk in there were rather nice.
Read and weap. Guy came out laughing and asked why my wheels were on sideways. :dapprove:
Their area manager was there on the day though and he came across as a bit of a douchetard. But that's retail for you.
So that's it for now.
The car is currently in a good place and I'm spending most weekends up in the mountains looking for good roads...
...I look forward to seeing you there.