just got back from a friendly race with one of my mates golf which he just finished for gti international
the results!!!!!! i lost but here the details for those who wanna know
it was not heroic cornering going on just real world situation races to see whos was quicker
the golf spec is 86 y mk 1 golf gti with a mk 2 1.8 16v engine from a mk2 gti 16v with a ported and gas flowed head, my car is also full works the lot, so on paper a good match but already im losing on power to weight ratio front. surely a mk1 weighs a lot less
off lights, he would win, by a car length to about 70
rolling from 40to 120. his had better in initial pull but but by 120 he had about 4-5 car lengths
from 70 to 130 i was in front but about even.
from low speeds his car is better but top end speed his weight advantage is lost for some reason
when he was behind my car was spitting flames appratly how cool is that, must be running well rich,
anyway i lost but i was expecting too. this golf was running 15.1 quarter before he had heard work done on it but after head work he thinks it will knock off about 0.3 due to better top end breathing
he was well impressed with my car saying it was very quick and def suprised him,
a loss but i think my car put up a good fight