Here are a few pics of my Clio 182 - I've had her for just over 3 weeks.
The Clio is going to remain standard due to warranty - hoping to fit a dect so I can hear the standard exhaust tho.
I've no idea why the rear bench is as crappy as it is - one of the questions I was hoping could get answered on this site.
What does FF mean?
The Clio is going to remain standard due to warranty - hoping to fit a dect so I can hear the standard exhaust tho.
I've no idea why the rear bench is as crappy as it is - one of the questions I was hoping could get answered on this site.
What does FF mean?
The Clio is going to remain standard due to warranty - hoping to fit a dect so I can hear the standard exhaust tho.
I've no idea why the rear bench is as crappy as it is - one of the questions I was hoping could get answered on this site.
What does FF mean?
Full fat! xenon's, spoiler, slipper, blah di blah!
Good crowd of us scots up here! Should fire over to a meet sometime! Where in the burgh are you from?
Full fat! xenon's, spoiler, slipper, blah di blah!
Good crowd of us scots up here! Should fire over to a meet sometime! Where in the burgh are you from?
Full fat, now I get u. lol. I gather my car has the two cup packs - the spoiler one (front lip and rear spoiler) and the stiffer suspension & lightweight coloured alloys one. (feel free to correct me if I have misunderstood these options)
I'm really not sure why the rear bench is so rank - I might look into getting it retrimmed to match the fronts.
I stay in Sighthill at the west of Edinburgh - are their many Scots on here?
Full fat, now I get u. lol. I gather my car has the two cup packs - the spoiler one (front lip and rear spoiler) and the stiffer suspension & lightweight coloured alloys one. (feel free to correct me if I have misunderstood these options)
I'm really not sure why the rear bench is so rank - I might look into getting it retrimmed to match the fronts.
I stay in Sighthill at the west of Edinburgh - are their many Scots on here?
wheels arent lightweight, just a different colour
Im from Hamilton not long joined though so not sure how many scots lol!
Im from Hamilton not long joined though so not sure how many scots lol!
Full fat! xenon's, spoiler, slipper, blah di blah!
Good crowd of us scots up here! Should fire over to a meet sometime! Where in the burgh are you from?
Full fat, now I get u. lol. I gather my car has the two cup packs - the spoiler one (front lip and rear spoiler) and the stiffer suspension & lightweight coloured alloys one. (feel free to correct me if I have misunderstood these options)
I'm really not sure why the rear bench is so rank - I might look into getting it retrimmed to match the fronts.
I stay in Sighthill at the west of Edinburgh - are their many Scots on here?