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My Clio has been killed (pics)

well just got back from holiday, and oh my days was the week before a real nightmare and one that i won't forget.

story is - driving to work on tuesday morning and some old woman decides to pull across my path to enter a tip not noticing i was about 5 metres away from her, head on at 50 miles an hour, pretty lucky to be walking to be honest, well the car was written off on friday, and am just waiting for all my insurance stuff to be sorted, funny thing is, she is now saying that i hit her on her side of the road and she was stationary not turned in waiting to enter on her side of the road, funny stuff, all you have to do is look at the damage on the cars, then the position they ended up in and it is really really obvious what happened

unfortunatley i'm now playing the waiting game with my insurance company

came off pretty bad, have got a compact fracture to my spine, which may lead to an operation, and my holiday was completely ruined, couldn't even get in the pool without pain, so sat like a lemon all the time

on a plus side, 57 plate alfa 159 as a courtesy car, but upset that my pride and joy is now ruined




The Chubby Pirate

ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
I feel your pain mate, mines was written off a few weeks ago also.

Chin up, if they have sense itll swing in your favour :(


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Unlucky :( bloody women drivers.

I'm confused by the car positions, where was she trying to turn in?


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Well the police will believe you dude. There is a f**king massive patch of oil on your side of the road that leads to her car so its not going to take Miss Marple to work that one out!



Yours seems to have faired up pretty well by looking at hers.. was she ok?
  Inferno 182 FF
did you try and swerve to your left? so you clipped her then?

nasty bit of luck, but at least your ok.
  200 FF Storm Grey
Sorry to hear that

Silly b**ch not paying attention, for a round about 50mph smash though mate the clio held up well!

But you need be careful mate, there's nothing about that damage that makes it blatently obvious she was turning, sure it is once you get closer but not from them pictures


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172

hope it all goes well for you,

gna be long by the looks of things, both drivers sides damaged is going to be hard to prove who was on who's side of the road,
guessing no witnesses???

glad ur all ok, hope u get better soon,
at least ur ok, thats the main thing, by the looks of that impact ur lucky to be able to walk, could have been 1000000 times worse mate.

good luck with the insurance jobbie
Sorry to hear that

Silly b**ch not paying attention, for a round about 50mph smash though mate the clio held up well!

But you need be careful mate, there's nothing about that damage that makes it blatently obvious she was turning, sure it is once you get closer but not from them pictures

if you look, the length of damage across the front of my car is very small compared to that, and the oil patch that starts on my side of the road
  clio 182 with cup
Seriously watch these buggars - with all this free 100 % claim stuff going about they will say anything ! A girl at work was rear ended and then the b***h said that she had backed into her !!. So be very careful.


ClioSport Club Member
Such a sad sight :(

Old biddy drivers though. One pulled out of a junction on me this morning whilst i was going about 40. Hard on the brakes. Don't think she even noticed she'd done it at all
  Mini Cooper S sport
Some people shouldn't be allowed a driving licence, silly b**ch.

Sorry to see the car all smashed, hope it's all sorted in your favour.
I wouldn't worry too much about her lying, insurance companies tell you as standard to deny responsibility but the police will work it out from the markings on the road and the damage to the cars..........still having use of the limbs is the main thing though :)
  Bumder With A Buffer
So looking at the first pic...

How did she manage to get all the damage on her drivers side?? Or have was you heading the other way to where you are stopped in the picture??

Ah think ive realised now :eek:

She turned into your passenger side.
Gutted for yeah. Sounds like it was a good job you was in a Clio and not something else thats less safe.

We got a alfa spider for are hire car :)

also it's amazing how some people try and get away with it. Drives me mad. :( we always take pictures.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Holy s**t, that's an advertisement for Renault safety there!

Hard luck mate. Just think of spending that sweet insurance money on a new car ;)
  Chelsea tractor
I think we need to enforce a mandatory Google maps / MS Paint diagram with posts like the OP ;)

Unlucky though, I like that colour car!
  Saab 93 Aero Wagon
Glad to hear you weren't more seriously injured mate.

Im impressed how well the 172 fared compared to the that tank of a Pug.
Unlucky mate, try get big compo! my mates just got £1800 for someone rear ending his 106

Exactly the reason why our insurance is so high.. :rolleyes:

Cant blame folk tho when theres free money to be had in this claim culture yank based society.

Clio stood up very well. As long as your ok mate or just about thats the main thing. Could a been a lot lot worse
