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My clio (joe_1.2)

  R6 2.0 XE'd Kangoo
Hey everyone I've just signed up on this site, looks pretty good you all seem 2 have a nice chat 2 each other, well I'm 17 and I purchased a Clio 1.2 (92 reg) Modded, For £615 on ebay, I got it home and boy the car is mint,

Its got Alloys, Lowered, Tints, Vinyl Stickers, and a mint sound system.
Might not seem much 2 you guys but what the dude done to the car is very good, Here's the pics tell me what you think

Pic1) (just been washed)
Pic2) (just been washed)
Pic3) (just been washed)
Pic4) (After been washed)
Pic5) (Just got new plates)

Hope you all like it! :)

I have little things that need tidying up on the car,

Its got a K&N Induction Kit and Peco System Exhaust.


Need a new passenger seat if anyone knows where I could get one. Could u tell me what other seats fit in the car 2? or what are best 2 use
also, The little centre vent that goes in the middle, He had some pretty dam dodgy switches in there so took them out but pretty sure that there was a vent of some sort there before, any ideas where I could get one of those?

Thanks again.

Joe / Joker
  500bhp Scoob
definately not a fan of it.

Nasty stickers, shopping lists on the bonnet and the sunstrip, oh and the chrome wipers.
Since when did Blitz make anything for a Clio??
  R6 2.0 XE'd Kangoo
Yeah cheers for the "good reply" Well I really like it, For a first car you can't go wrong

That black sunstrip isnt on there anymore. :)
  R6 2.0 XE'd Kangoo
well thanks guys, really made me glad I joined this site :) Cus its tight, Any chance of u guys showing me what your first car was? Just a picture or something? Bearing in mind I go college and work my ass off part-time 2 get this car, I'm super happy with it!
  silver valver/hybrid
i dont think its that bad, specially for a first car, granted a few things need tidying up like removing the stickers and the mesh, i dont think the graphics down the side look too bad, if your happy with it, thats the main thing
  Not a Clio
Joe_1.2 said:
well thanks guys, really made me glad I joined this site :) Cus its tight, Any chance of u guys showing me what your first car was? Just a picture or something? Bearing in mind I go college and work my ass off part-time 2 get this car, I'm super happy with it!

no pic, my 1st car was a bog standard mk1 1.2 with a sunroof and 5 spoke alloys. We all have different tastes.... tastes that change and develop with age. To be blunt... you will get stick driving that.
  172 M69 eater
everyone loves their first car.. if u like it thats wat matters..
my first car was a blue fiesta:rolleyes:
  Tesla MP3 2021
not really to my taste either.........looks like its crashed into halfords window...but each to there own......and also its his first
  "Navy" N17 TWO
Welcome to CS!

It won't be to many people's taste Joe... esp on here - most of the ClioSporter's are hungry for performance mods instead of the "in-your-face" stuff. You might even adapt to some opinions on here and change a few things around on your own car over time.

I'm glad you like it - my first car was a wee basic 97 1.2 clio - not much done to it at the time but I liked it. Was long gone (squashed at my front door by a lorry) before I found this website though. Got a 97 1.4 RT - stuck a few things on it and a CD player - I was happy - then I found this website and got myself an 04 dci 80

Still - lot of people on here will argue the dci is not "sporty" - I love it :)

Moral of the story
If it's YOUR CAR - it's what YOU LIKE ;)
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could see this car gettin stick...but like every 1 says each to there own! If your happy drivin around in it..then thats the most important thing...not a bad price either matey! My first car was a 1.1 mk1 Fesita...25 years old...u had a pump by the clutch to spray water on the screeeeeen...he he....GeThO
Nice car matey, welcome to CS.

Seeing as you've only just got it, I'm sure you got a list of stuff you want to do to it.. people on here are too quick to jump in and say it looks crap - without giving you chance to change it to suit your tastes. Or whatever.

Good luck with it :D
  Arctic Blue Clio 182
Not the worst lookin car. Tho the stickers are way OTT for my liking. Would be much improved with them off. Wheels look well
  Ph1 172 & others
Leave the lad alone ffs. OK the car is not to everyones tastes and to be fair the only problem is the graphics. For £600 this guys done well. Its your first car and no matter what everyone loves their first car.

Welcome to the club mate
I hate my first car, still got it now. I like it, but hate all the problems I've had with it. lol :)
  C63 AMG, F430 & 172
ur best speaking to j3ned or 118118 for specilist renault breakers in accrington, try and get a valver leather, if not seat shouldnt be too much
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
well i've seen worse but for that money u can't argue, i'd get rid of all the graphics and stickers etc, they make it look cheap. personally i don't like the grill on the fron either, or the lexus lights (but they're not that bad). Sound system looks kinda crazy bet it's well loud! good on u for ur 1st car but i think over time u'll want to change that a fair bit. best of luck
  A well built VW
Not a bad first car you have their mate - Good base to change to your taste just remember whatever you do use quality parts and dont follow the crowd Do your own thing if you like it do it you will always have someone who disagrees with your taste no matter what
P.S. My first car was an alfasud

I used to lust after one of these - the Ti cloverleaf model mmmm.. shows you how old i am

cheers loved it as you do with first cars then some one cut me up and it ended up getting wrote of :( and i was nearly finished with it
  Trophy #473
I have an RSI interior for sale, well comfortable seats, drivers side bolster is a little worn, other than that mint. defnatly better than standard 1.2 seats.

