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My first Porsche...Carrera 4S Journey (Part 2: Ownership)


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Well the plate and mileage stack up and its currently insured and MOT'd.


ClioSport Club Member
Hi Guys sorry to leave you high and dry. Its proving difficult to post pictures on this thread because of all the photo bucket stuff. To be honest I have been away for so long now it might have been fixed.

Its meant that posting updates is a pain and as I become more overloaded with work I have little time to faff with it.

If you'd like updates on this follow me on instagram @mrjaymodi


ClioSport Club Member
Dunno, just wanted to see if it cajoled a reply lol
Haha! Something fishy is going on!
Well the plate and mileage stack up and its currently insured and MOT'd.

All legitimate I must say just been a pain to upload pics here.

Im sure he's just being a normal 21yr old with a Porsche, putting his waders on every night because he's knee deep in clunge.
Im sure he'll be along soon to do the custard test.

Knee Deep is an understatement haha


ClioSport Club Member

Cars has now been wrapped in Midnight Purple and has been so for the last 9 months. I must say its a beautiful car, not the best drivers car but its a 911 and I find that so cool haha

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
Hi Guys sorry to leave you high and dry. Its proving difficult to post pictures on this thread because of all the photo bucket stuff. To be honest I have been away for so long now it might have been fixed.

Its meant that posting updates is a pain and as I become more overloaded with work I have little time to faff with it.

If you'd like updates on this follow me on instagram @mrjaymodi

You can directly upload photos on here using the attach file button below if that helps.

The world is always made better when new photos of Porsche’s are posted


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Didn't realise you were the one with the clio that featured on that Boosted youtube channel. Glad you kept the pinstriping away from the porsche!
