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The Porsche Carrera 4s Journey (Part 1: The Hunt)


ClioSport Club Member
Wow that's some car to be going for at your age. I don't know your circumstances but make sure you aren't getting the 911 at the expensive of everything else (holidays with mates etc). You never get to be 20 again but you can always buy a car...
Not to worry haha this car will be used for road trips into to Europe and when not in use I shall be travelling with friends. Although i am not the type of person to want to go to a party island like Malia or Maga, not my scene.


ClioSport Club Member
So I went to Portia Craft in Watford today. I saw a gorgeous 996 on their website. It is out of budget (£24995) simply due to its 70k miles. Portia Craft do not accept offers or haggle, this is down to the fact that all cars have a full service and problems fixed before they are sold. Additionally there warranty is simply amazing! Basically I am covered for the first year on pretty much anything, including the IMS failure!. Obviously there is certain clauses but I wont be shafted.

Overalll I loved the car. The flat 6 sounded awesome on cold start and it had a really good quality leather interior (leather smell which I love) and leather extended on to dash aswell. The infamous Bose sound system and some other goodies.

(btw its just parked really close to the 997)








ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Do you think these will appreciate a fair bit? Only ask as a guy round the corner from work has an old 911, think it's a h reg or similar. Getting restored at the moment but has been offered 60k for it.


ClioSport Club Member
Do you think these will appreciate a fair bit? Only ask as a guy round the corner from work has an old 911, think it's a h reg or similar. Getting restored at the moment but has been offered 60k for it.
Not really. The issue is as the car I buy will be close to 90k miles, I'd probably add another 8-12k it brings it very close if not surpassing 100k. This will probably bring its price down. All in all I think it would be a break even experience. Which is better than losing money. The best time to own them for any noticeable return would have been 3 years ago looking at the figures. Give it 10 years and these will probably be passed £30k. Looking at 964 and 933's

Also if its a turbo or GT3 then yeah it would go up for sure!


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Cool. I know speaking to the chap will the 911 he paid 15k a good number of years ago. Full respray for £5k and whatever on top sale wise is a win.


ClioSport Moderator
OP - I enjoyed mine very much. Bought it in 2008, Seal grey, black leather, manual and with switchable PSE.

I highly recommend the switchable PSE. Epic noise.

Only downside - the cost to run, but that's to be expected given the cost of the car new.

If you get one, enjoy!


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
OP - I enjoyed mine very much. Bought it in 2008, Seal grey, black leather, manual and with switchable PSE.

I highly recommend the switchable PSE. Epic noise.

Only downside - the cost to run, but that's to be expected given the cost of the car new.

If you get one, enjoy!
You got any pics of it?

Herr Flick

aka Herman Ze German
You're budget is £22500 and that car is up for £25k, surely just save up a bit more to buy a lower mileage one which will help for resale as will be further from the 100k horror?


ClioSport Club Member
You're budget is £22500 and that car is up for £25k, surely just save up a bit more to buy a lower mileage one which will help for resale as will be further from the 100k horror?
Possibly. Ideally I like to stick to the budget if possible. Portia craft are looking for a car for me so would be interesting to see what turns up. They did say that having a high mileage car didn't stop the car being sold. It just has a smaller audience. There highest mileage car to date was a 996 at 280,000 miles without a rebuild! Crazy!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Could just stick the difference on an interest free credit card, pay it back when you sell.
  Subaru, arctic 182FF
As said above streeeeeeetch the budget.
The simple fact that you cant find what you want at that budget suggests your budget vs aspirations arent aligned


ClioSport Trader


ClioSport Club Member
My folks bought one from Cameron cars back in 2009 I think, paid about 28k for it then sold it for about 18k to a trader friend 2 years later.
04 plate, seal grey, black leather, manual.
Used to love borrowing it, yeah it's not the quickest blah blah but it was fun.
Not long after the new owner had it the engine went pop, oops.


ClioSport Club Member
The right one will appear in the budget. Its just a case of when that will happen. Essex Prestige had a beautiful one a couple of months ago, low miles, hartech rebuild, FSH, full options, 85k miles only £21k but I wasn't ready to buy one then. I have almost 2 months to go so I have a good feeling one will come up.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Such a good car. I only ended up with my M3 due to being scared of the issues on these, but I will own one! Good luck with it all
  Subaru, arctic 182FF
This. Especially on a car like the C4S.
Exactly. It honestly does seem these have a very fixed going rate for a nice one with sensible miles. And that is 25k
If i were you i would DEFINITELY stretch your budget out to that.
Peace of mind alone is worth the extra
Really enjoyed mine. Bought in 2015 and ran it for a year. Purchased from Northway Porsche near Reading. Warranty, FPSH, Dansk exhaust, IMS and RMS done. Paid 24k for mine, guess it would be 30k now as it only had 45,000 on the clock and was a minter. It drove better than an early 997 C2 3.6 a friend had.


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ClioSport Club Member
Some people hate the rear light bar on the C4S, but I think it really makes it.
The 991's bar looks awesome too.
