Errr done quite a lot since I updated this. Been a busy few months lol. Nearly there now with the build though.
Just going to paste a few posts of my thread on the ITR forum...
I got my s2000 clocks back in with my new oil gauges
Then as I went to start her up to test the gauges the car wouldn't start. Whipped my dizzy cap off to find this mess
The bolt holding the rotor had came off and wrecked the tips.
New dizzy cap and rotor on the way
After my dizzy cap died a glorious death I ordered a YEC cap and rotor
Quality is superb, very impressed. Came with a new gasket and new bolts too which I was surprised at.
Now something happened which turned a 20 minute job into one that I didn't finish while around 5pm, and made me buy this:
It seems my rotor arm bolt didn't fall out by accident, the threads within it were f*cked. I've always wanted to have a go at tapping a thread so here goes nothing...
Bolted in, this time with a spring washer. Hoping it will stop it breaking loose again!
Then I got working to finish my interior.
went from this:
to this:
(ignore the coolant temp, thats a WIP)
Also my trackday rubber turned up. Yokohama A048
Will get those fitted to the 98 specs next weekend, and MIGHT have Cadwell booked for the Sunday after
Started getting this mucky stuff out too as I was waiting for Lee to arrive last night
Then this happened...
Goodbye BGW!! (I have an OEM spoiler for it don't worry...)
I decided to get rid a while ago, just wasn't fond of it anymore. I had 2 offers at £400 but actually removing the spoiler from the bootlid was proving impossible.
In the end, I knew I'd need to swap bootlids, so made a few offers (was hoping to get some cash my way). Impatience got the better of me though, so I let Lee take it away for free, providing he swapped me bootlids. We're one big family on here anyway right?
Can't wait to get on track! Ordering a Willans harness this week, removing the aircon this weekend and refitting the OEM exhaust/tegiwa intake (for now until I get a Twin Loop)
Got a few things done at the weekend/last week.
Fitted my Twin Loop.
(Parcel tape is a bugger to get off!)
Then I collected some goodies from another member who no longer owns a teg
I picked up:
[*]Cusco 6 Point Roll Cage
[*]2 Ricco 3" 4 point harnesses
[*]DC2 Workshop Manuals (this is so cool lol)
[*] 4 Hankook R-S2's - Might be for sale as I don't have my 15s anymore

[*] M&M Super Tuning rear brace + C pillar brace
[*] Spoon DC2 drop in filter
Not a bad haul!
As I'd just fitted the Mugen/Tegiwa intake to mine we fitted the Spoon filter to my mates black UKDM
Also got my 98 specs back with the A048s fitted
Looking forward to testing these out on track
On Saturday night I didn't have a lot to do so ended up cracking open a few bottles and ripping the interior out in prep for the cage fitting.
Going to go by Toolstation on the way home one day this week and pick up some M10 bolts and some more drill bits.
My dad donated me his old 18v Dewalt Cordless and Dewalt Radio at the weekend so I would stop borrowing his. He probably just wanted an excuse to buy new ones but they're a cool bit of kit!
Until next time...
As the days are getting longer I soon realised there was no need to wait until the weekend to get cracking with some jobs so after work tonight I got a few bits done.
First thing I wanted to do was remove the air con, as I've been saying I was going to do it for weeks.
Was quite easy to do in the end. Bit of a faff just removing other parts to get it all out but I'm glad it's gone.
Next up, I wanted to test the accuracy of my oil temp gauge as it was showing me at 120c after not much driving - scary to say the least.
So, boiled the kettle and got my sensor in my dads favourite cup.
Turned out to be accurate. Rats. Not sure why my oil temp seems to be so much higher than everyone else's but I think a cooler is in order.
Also, removing the sensor with the sandwich plate in situ was a pain in the f**king arse. I had flashbacks of doing the rear engine mount last year,
thats how fiddly it is :lol:
To wrap things up I finally got my radiator bracket on. For the first time in this cars life (as a JDM anyway) it has 2 proper radiator brackets installed.
I gave up trying to drill out the bolt and simply made another 2 holes next to it
I still need to give the bay a good clean but thats the ABS and the Air Con out the way now. I was tempted to pull the power steering out too, but I put it all back together for now.
Haven't had chance to post these yet due to Flickr being blocked at work...
So I messed up my arches at the weekend. Long story short I got a bit giddy and didn't really take much attention to what I was doing, resulting in this.
Unfortunately my tyres didn't like this.
So back to the drawing board
Picking up new wings tomorrow (INGS vented ones)
Looking forward to getting it all together to a decent standard... still a long way off.
The daily is pretty much done now though
On a side note, why the f**k has my car suddenly gone so cream?!
A picture from nearly 2 years ago... nice and white...
A picture from the weekend... looking fucked!! WTF.
Time to get the detailing gear out of the garage eh... Sahara Sand maybe? :lol:
First off, I consulted "the bibles" on how to remove the tank 'properly'
Out to the car:
This was my spare tank, I couldn't put it in looking like this:
So gave it a clean:
and a paint with the good stuff:
Now on with the old tank removal, which was more a pain in the ass than I had thought it would be:
The reason for changing the tank was this rather large dint which I had picked up when the car rolled off the rear axle stands as I was lowering the front. My trolley jack's wheel got stuck in a grate down our drive and pulled the car off the jacks. I have somewhat of an excuse though, I had gone to work, then drove to Stoke for the coilovers, and decided to fit them that night as I was going to the 'ring a few days later.
Covers and pipes removed (after relieving the pressure officer)
Tank coming out:
Old tank OUT!
Next up I spotted some surface rust what the fuel tank was hiding so decided to give it a rub down and a coat of underseal:
New tank going in:
Didn't take any more pics of the tank, and only 2 of the wings, started feeling a bit ill at this point (petrol fumes perhaps :lol
Old wings off:
New wings on!
Like an ass I didn't space the wings out like I was going to do, only realised after putting the side skits back on too

:evil: So that might be another job for another day...
As said previously Sunday was going to be a clean up day but I didn't get around to it. Luckily I'll have a nice long weekend coming up where I can attend to all the little niggly jobs and give it a good clean for Malton Big Breakfast next Sunday.
Oh, got this to fit too
Lol, can't do anything on here without Micky telling you how you
should have done it.
Anyway, bumper quick release and an engine bay tidy up done tonight after work.
I managed to get rid of all these wires, but didn't take an after picture like an ass. Relocated the horn onto the side of the crash bar
Messy wires from my rushed JDM conversion
Professional :lol:
Anyway got it tidied up and rewired a few bits to ensure reliability.
Also fixed what I believed to be causing my rear water leak. The grommet for the rear fog light wiring had fallen through.