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My new and first 172

  Audi A3
Hi all, ive had a few cars in my younger days, best was a 106 gti, which is here :



how i loved that car !!

had a company car for a while and thats just been handed back, but gives me the chance to buy this i guess, 03 172 on 55k, 2 owners, cup wheels and suspension (apparently)

only a few quick pictures as ive been enjoying myself too much :cool:





the last two pics are just to show how good condition it is in!

apologies for the size of the pics!!
  Audi A3
haha, that was a massive mistake of mine selling that car it was immaculate! spent a fortune on quality parts for it too!
  120d M Sport
Bit of a bump - both cars look great, particularly like the GTI.

How are you finding the 172 compared to the GTI? Considering making the swap myself.
  Audi A3
Gti was more raw and felt quicker even though it probably wasn't. Gti was less refined though an you felt always needing to drive quicker! Clio feels normal buy it's got that extra when you want it.
