I know most people hate them but I love having a Smart, just chopped my 09 silver passion in for this '14 Grandstyle edition turbo cab, sat nav, leather, colour scheme is odd but Emma loves it to bits, hopefully pick it up on Saturday 
I just sold our 14 plate Brabus. Got f**k all for it.
Id like to drive one for the giggles but thats it lol
Is that a 507 amg in the pic??
These are just terrible.
Test drove the brabus one of these, actually feels like a normal car size when when you're inside.
I couldn't have one, ever. I used to want a Brabus roadster but even that's a silly idea.
Would love to drive one though.
I can't imagine ever beening unhappy driving that, looks like such a happy car.
Do you find you get tailgated often too ?
I've a mate who just can't fathom my love for them, he actually threw his hands up and struggled to get a word out when he saw it lolJesus..