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my new insurance...any suggestions???!

  renault clio 1.4 si 2000
hey hey! got a few quotes for my insurance, its a 1.4 si with 17" wolfrace katanas, led rear clusters, peco cat back, slr wing mirrors and a 1000 quid alpine setup. im also saving up a 172 bodykit in my garage, and i told em i intend to fit it.... one years no claims... 23...
redline and adrian flux both said 1200!!! more than i paid as standard as a first car!! :S

anyone know who might be kinder??? im skint as it is, but i want my mods like for like and fully comp.
  Monaco Blue Mk2
Quinn Direct, Norwich Union Direct, Virgin Insurance, Tescos and the 3 in the elephant group are all cheapish at the minute.

With Quinn Direct you only have to declare performance enhancing mods.
