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Mystery knocking noise from N/S/F of car

  Clio 200 FF
Over the last few months I have had a mystery slight knocking noise from my front suspension area which doesn't happen all the time and also can equally happen on straight bits of road or bumpy roads.

Being ex motor trade I thought about all the usual suspects , roll bar link , suspension bushes , top mounts etc etc and my mechanic has the car today and can't find anything wrong:confused:
Any ideas anyone ?


lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
I have the same mate. Haven't a clue what it is. Does it mainly when coming to a stop and turning at the same time.
It hasn't done it as often lately tbh.
  Clio 200 FF
Hmmm yep it's a weird one almost like a mild donking noise but everything feels fine with the suspension and feel of the car. Confused. Sometimes if I just roll slowly down a hill say in 4th it will do it consistently.


ClioSport Club Member
I had a weird knock on my 1.2 for ages, it started doing it on a long journey and then would do it randomly, some days it'd be fine some days it'd knock, funnily when i jacked the car up to look for it, it would stop for a few days haha.. turned out to be my NSF wheel bearing, there was no movement in it or droning noise, just the random knocking like going over a small bump comstantly, might be worth checking?
  Clio 200 FF
I had a weird knock on my 1.2 for ages, it started doing it on a long journey and then would do it randomly, some days it'd be fine some days it'd knock, funnily when i jacked the car up to look for it, it would stop for a few days haha.. turned out to be my NSF wheel bearing, there was no movement in it or droning noise, just the random knocking like going over a small bump comstantly, might be worth checking?
Hmmmm , ok thanks for that I will let him know to check that then.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
On a Clio III RS, these "knocks" are normally due to either worn bottom rotary ball joints, drop links or top mount bearing units.

They're pretty tricky to diagnose and more often than not, it requires the part to be removed (in the case of drop links) as they're under pressure, even when off the floor.
  Clio 200 FF
On a Clio III RS, these "knocks" are normally due to either worn bottom rotary ball joints, drop links or top mount bearing units.

They're pretty tricky to diagnose and more often than not, it requires the part to be removed (in the case of drop links) as they're under pressure, even when off the floor.
Brilliant , thanks for that info:smile:


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
My guess, bottom ball joints. If so, they'll get worse with time and the knocking will turn in to "play" in the lower hub assembly and eventually tyre wear.
  Clio 200 FF
My guess, bottom ball joints. If so, they'll get worse with time and the knocking will turn in to "play" in the lower hub assembly and eventually tyre wear.
I just spoke to my mechanic to get him to order a drop link and see if that cures it then move to the bottom ball joint like you say this could be the culprit.

Is it a major job to do the bottom ball joint ?

Thanks very much for your help so far.



ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Officially, yes! The official way is to completely replace the outer part of the hub assembly and normally comes it between £600-850 a corner. Thankfully, we ca also replace just the bottom balljoint BUT it's still not the cheapest at around £130-200 per side depending on where you go.
  Clio 200 FF
Officially, yes! The official way is to completely replace the outer part of the hub assembly and normally comes it between £600-850 a corner. Thankfully, we ca also replace just the bottom balljoint BUT it's still not the cheapest at around £130-200 per side depending on where you go.
Wow !! That's pricey..But I think you may be right on this and it has to be right afterall so will get the drop link done first then move onto the ball joint next. Thanks very much for your help. Appreciated.
  Clio 200 FF
Well just spoke to my garage and got some prices on the roll bar link at £48 + vat and the bottom ball joint assembly at £190+vat !!

I dont suppose you could guide me on what parts I need at all ? That would be great.

Sorry I'm not coming to you at Diamond but my brother is a customer :wink:


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Buy the drop links from GSF in Lemforder/TRW... they're about £20 each and exactly the same as the units Renault supply (except they also come with the nylock nuts as Renault charge extra for them). Ball joints aren't available from Renault directly but they can be had from what used to be R-Sport Ltd. Even I can sell you a pair or price to install if you wanted.

  Clio 200 FF
Buy the drop links from GSF in Lemforder/TRW... they're about £20 each and exactly the same as the units Renault supply (except they also come with the nylock nuts as Renault charge extra for them). Ball joints aren't available from Renault directly but they can be had from what used to be R-Sport Ltd. Even I can sell you a pair or price to install if you wanted.

Fantastic , thanks. I can see why you guys have such a good reputation. very helpful. Would you be able to PM me a price for supplying the two required ball joints then ? I will have to get them fitted locally though as I live in North Norfolk.
  182 arctic
ok what am i missing here? ball joint for £180? i went to andrew page lemforder got said ball joint for £15, and installed it in twenty minutes..max... and had a cup of tea whilst doing it..
was the 180 for other parts i didnt get?
