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Netgear to BT problem

I've got a DG834PN wireless router that doesn't seem to want to connect to the internet.

The connection between the PC and the router is fine at 108mbps and i can connect to the router settings via the wireless through its ip ( this did take the best part of 2 hours to acheive!

In the router settings i've set it to 'automatically detect' ADSL but it just bloody won't.
I spoke to BT last night and they say their bit is fine, which it is because if i put the normal router they supplied (voyager 210, i think) back in the PC connects.

Could this be windows firewall interfering or Macafee?

Any idea's nad help would be much appreciated, i'm getting to the point where i'd just pay someone to sort it!
Check the logs on the router and see if its giving an error to why it doesn't connect. If you can access the router page from your pc doubt its a firewall etc issue.

The auto detect connection doesn't always work or put the username/password in for you, you will have to do this yourself.
  172 Cup
You'll obviously need to set up the Netgear correctly. Simply setting it to "automatically detect ADSL" won't suffice.

You'll need to set the following at least..

PPPoA/PPPoE (Does BT broadband require a username/password?)
DHCP (Do you have a static IP for example?)
Probably wasn't clear in the op. I got some settings from BT...

PPPoA, no password required
VCI 38 (may have been the other way round but the values are correct)

DHCP, i don't *think* i have a static IP
