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New 182 and already a bad experience started

  Clio 182 FF
O.k not so much the car faults this time, I thought the only niggle with what seems in a perfect car was a faulty C/C button.

But going to work the other morning and Emmission light pops on solid, I later notice some blowing comming from the exhaust, on the ramp it seems some-one has bodged 3 holes with exhaust tape and putty, resulting in needing a new exhaust. Also it turns out the front Discs would be MOT failures. It was MOT'd last month with just advisories on these 2 things.

Now Ive contacted the garage I bought it from and he asked me to get a price which he didnt like, said he could get in done cheaper and will confirm back with me. This is as far as it got by the close of play tonight.

The car came with a months warrenty on major parts. Can he try and make me pay anything towards this or can I put it all on him, had the car 3 days now.

Advice appreciated thanks.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Difficult one.

Disc condition is down to the mot tester on the day. Some might have passed it, some might not. As for the exhaust, if it wasn't leaking, its a pass on the mot.

Where he has slipped up though is his duty of care to ensure the car is of a satisfactory condition. If you are claiming its not, then you need to approcah him under the sales of goods act. If you do this you could piss him off and get nothing out of him or he could get his chosen workshop to carry out the work and you may get sub standard workmanship or parts on your car.

If I was you, i'd take it on the chin, learn a lesson from not inspecting the car properly in the first place, and buy better (uprated) parts and fit them myself knowing that the jobs been done properly.
  A.N. Other
I'd expect brake discs to not be covered by the warranty as they're consumables and the car may have been used in the meantime & worn them down further, but the zorst might be covered - check the wording of the policy to work out where you stand with it.
  Lionel Richie
could be worse, i had a 54plate 40kmiles 182 in the other day that the owner had just bought, HPI clear etc etc

fitted with a 172 engine from 2001 with cira 100K miles by the look of it

  Chocolate Orange 172
could be worse, i had a 54plate 40kmiles 182 in the other day that the owner had just bought, HPI clear etc etc

fitted with a 172 engine from 2001 with cira 100K miles by the look of it


That is pretty gutting, how did the guy react to the bad news?
  Clio 182
If you only bought it 3 days ago, you are able to hand the car back to the dealer for a full refund if he doesnt comply. Due to it being not as described, in this case dangerous with the brakes etc. I suggest you have a look in to your rights online.
  Impreza Wagon
If it's a good car overall and you paid a good price then try and push for a new exhaust and discs/pads. A full refund seems a bit extreme however I'm sure the dealer will soon comply if you mention it!
  Clio 182 FF
In love with the car dont really want to give it back, infairness it might not even be his fault, gonna speak to him again in a minute see what he says.
  Clio 182
As mentioned you don't have to give it back but if he becomes non co-operative put it on the table and he is more likely to do something about it.
  BMW M135i
I think you'd do well to reject it on the ground of worn discs (servicable part) and a blowing exhaust (consumable part again). Daniel speaks sense here as usual.
  Clio 182 FF
Well just delivered it back to him, said he would look at it right away. Couple of hours later he called me said he's ordered a new exhaust rear and middles sections from Renault and discs and pads for front and rear.
So far so good....
  Discounted 1*2 parts
brake discs cant fail by condition unless they do not provide the required breaking force i thought?

mine were shockingly corroded and still passed, at Renault!!

Correct, brake discs cannot be failed on condition unless classed as dangerous. If the brakes didn't meet the minimum brake efficiency that would be the fail not the discs (even if the required repair was to replace the discs)

As long as the exhaust was not blowing badly at the MOT it would have passed
  Lionel Richie
That is pretty gutting, how did the guy react to the bad news?

i think he's still in the pub, poor bloke :(

the car had been moddified for someone with a dodgy left leg too, fitted with an electronically controlled clutch mechanism!

I'm writing the vehixle report at the moment, its a LONG one :(
  Chocolate Orange 172
i think he's still in the pub, poor bloke :(

the car had been moddified for someone with a dodgy left leg too, fitted with an electronically controlled clutch mechanism!

I'm writing the vehixle report at the moment, its a LONG one :(

Oh dear, got to feel sorry for him, bet he is doing alot of :cry: and :drunk:
  Clio 182 FF
O.k well got the car back today, new standard exhausted fitted cat back from Renualt and discs and pads all round, couldnt have been cheap and didnt pay a penny, guess I cant complain in the end.
However theres a few on knocks from the exhaust catching on the underside of the car when to low in gear making the engine struggle, guess Ill need someone else to look to see if it can be moved a bit.
Now to fix the cruise control button.....
  Defender 110
i'd be happy with that result. a knock from the exhaust could be a worn hanger rubber, only a couple of £
think you've had a good result


ClioSport Club Member
i would be very surprized if hes stuck a genuine renault exhaust on it? that plus discs and pads is probably the best part of £800 odd quid! someone will probably be able to confirm that? i know they arnt cheap!


ClioSport Club Member
could be worse, i had a 54plate 40kmiles 182 in the other day that the owner had just bought, HPI clear etc etc

fitted with a 172 engine from 2001 with cira 100K miles by the look of it


Oooft that's bad luck right there.
  Clio 182 FF
i would be very surprized if hes stuck a genuine renault exhaust on it? that plus discs and pads is probably the best part of £800 odd quid! someone will probably be able to confirm that? i know they arnt cheap!

I had a ring round and you can only get a standard exhaust from the main dealer, the rest are aftermarket performance exhausts, looks and sounds the same as the last one anyway


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
don't see these as problems but opportunities to buy uprated bits! (probably makes little sense financially but every cloud and all that!).

as for the guy with the 54 plate 182 - thats got to be a choker, but at least parts are much more readily available and assistance on here is good (apart from the haters and posting police) and these cars are relatively inexpensive.
