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New car- Problems

Firstly my sunroof rattles all the f**king time and its pissing me off.

Secondly when i put the car into reverse it makes a huge crunch noise.

Thirdly, i go through petrol like piss....its terrible a full tank lasted me 4 days and i cudnt haev done more then 100 miles and i wernt particularly ripping the sh*t outer it.!


all clio sunroofs rattle

for the reverse, try putting it slowly into reverse gear, mite help

also id speak to renault bout the petrol as its in warrenty

mate, im back in essex now, where u live so i can pop and c the beast...


Mine does the reverse gear noise too.... passengers cringe and dont believe it me doing it!! going into the garage for a heap of other sh**t tomorrow (including the sunroof, buggin as hell!!) Will let you know what they say coz maybe the same problem. Hope youn get it sorted M8. B x

WEll mate- what happenend?

MY sunroof is getting on my tits, and everyone tells me 2 put my foot down on the clutch when i put my car into reverse!

I new i forget something- FAGGOTS, like i didnt no that
