clio 20v
did 2 runs to 100, best one of mine on left and teady 172s two runs on right for comparison that he put up in another thread on greasy roads though
mine teady 172
10- 1.05 / 1.03 1.22
20-1.89 / 2.01 2.21
30-2.74 / 2.91 3.18
40-4.47 / 4.14 4.42
50-5.76 / 5.44 5.67
60-7.64 / 6.98 7.17
70-9.54 / 9.16 9.36
80-11.56 / 11.51 11.58
90-14.8 / 14.74 14.65
100-17.9 / 18.70 18.26
bodes well, still havent got used to getin the thing off the line and changing gear 500 rpm early though u can see where the change into third lets the 0-60 down though