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New iPhone this October??

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  RS6 C7
Somehow my 4s rusted on the connection and the speaker wouldn't work very well, Iv'e never dropped it in water either :S

Apple just gave me a brand new 4s for free :)

My contract is paid for by work but i will be getting the new iPhone on release and selling the 4s as i can't wait for anything!


ClioSport Club Member
Wouldn't it be just as quick to type that into google, and I'm sure google is quicker at answering too?

Wouldn't it have been quicker for you to have typed it into google then to supply me with the answer instead of trying to be clever and adding absolutely nothing constructive to the question. As usual....


  172 track thingy
dont let this thread get taken over with people having a go at each other for no reason!


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
What's app is s**t, I have iMessage on the iPad though.
Its htc customer service that makes me want to parcel up some anthrax and post it.
  Bus w**ker
Don't start bragging about about your modern Private Sector technology. I'm saving YOU money by making do with cast offs from Going Live (possibly before your time...god damn I'm old).


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
FLOL, going live reference fail, you'll be swearing at Five Star next.
I've had my 4 just after the release, still going strong after a few bumps and scrapes.

I've been on a simplicity tariff for the last 6~months too, £10 per month FTW.
+1. I'm only paying £10 per month atm on a rolling contract. If the new iPhone is a massive change and looks wicked, ill take the plunge. If not, ill stick to my 4, until i'm not so much of a pikey.


ClioSport Club Member
I wonder how many calls I make. I wonder whether Voda can tell me my averages? Lets call

EDIT: Apparently not. Their systems are down.
  Bus w**ker
I know this might shock and amaze you Euge, but there's an app for that.

Who'd have thought?
  Leon Cupra 300
It's a shame GiffGaff don't do a deal with unlimited minutes, i'd be interested..

Still it would be expensive compared to O2 even if it was around £30 a month.

Think it's around £65 a month on a 12 month contract i pay now, but the phone's free on that contract, and i get a new one every year. Sell old one for around £300. Pays for my contract for 4-5 months. So in effect, i'm paying at the most £520 a year or £43 a month for unlimited minutes and a brand new phone every year.

but, unless you want unlimited minutes then it's no good.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Orange corporate just confirmed the 5 launch will coincide with their 4G launch. (We will be very heavy users of 4G)


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

So basically, O2 and Voda are moaning because Orange will be gaining a bigger market share from an exclusive launch of 4G.

Not Orange, EverythingEverywhere so both Tmobile and Orange.

The report is worth reading

Its more luck than judgement that this has happened if O2 and Voda (who do but to a lesser extent) operated with the 1800mhz band then they would be in the position to offer LTE before EE.


ClioSport Club Member
I wish my brain was bigger to understand all of this. So basically with the '5' or 'New iPhone' everyone is going to jump s**t to Orange/Tmobile. Although the actually service everyone is moving for wont be available until mid 2013?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
I wouldn't move just because they are s**t.

I wouldn't move because i don't want to get raped by EE for LTE charges. Its essentially a monopoly for a year, if anyone thinks its going to be cheap is misguided.
You'd be better off financially on a 3G only network for now.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I can't remember the last good word I heard about Orange. Local to me anyway. I'm still very happy with Vodafone. Zero hassle.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Orange have promised us full coverage for all our farms by June 2013. All our automated equipment will use 4g to set up a country wide WAN.


  BMW 440i
More than happy with O2 and will stay with them until someone else is notably better or I have bad experiences with O2.

I'm hoping for a better battery life on the new iPhone as I use mine far too much!
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