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New Mobile (Contract) and Mobile internet Needed.

  Not a 320d
So my mum needs (Today, as in ASAP) a new phone, were thinking Blackberry - but we will see what there is to offer at the shops. And she also wants a dongle.

But Ive said get a phone contract and then use the phone as a dongle when using her laptop. That way she wont need both - Cheaper......

Is she better getting a PAYG dongle for occasional laptop use or will the Contract phone with internet work just the same.

  Listerine & Poledo
If it really is "occasional", then a phone will be fine. T-Mobile are teh safest to use for this as they dont charge if you exceed their "fair use policy".

Otherwise, a dongle on a 30-day rolling contract is the best compromise, if she doesn't end up using it very much, cancel it, but you'll get more allowances that way than by pre-pay
  Not a 320d
Ive told her to man up and buy the phone, as she will get email through it anyway. Just need to decide what...
