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New to CS

  182trophy & Williams
Evening people.

Thought i would introduce myself properly as a fully paid member. I've been a user for a couple of weeks and find the site quite useful,just got a bit annoyed not being able to go in to certain areas, so thought i would man up and pay the fiver. I've had a thing for clio sports ever since i saw a ph1 172 when i was 15, so it made sense to buy a clio as me first car, which you can see the back end of in 1 of the pics.Anyway some of you might recognise the car, the munky that is funky gareth owned her proir to myself.

All comments welcome;)




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  182trophy & Williams
cheers for all the positive comments. She's my pride and joy, always nice to get a bit of appreciation for all the hours of cleaning she gets.
  182trophy & Williams
you've moved it but its still in clio discussion? what u doing mods:) :rasp:
  Golf R
well there's a car i havent seen in a while :D

still looking spankily clean as ever.

i know where that £5 you were sending me has gone ;)
  182trophy & Williams
well there's a car i havent seen in a while :D

still looking spankily clean as ever. 5 - 6 hours very sunday;)

i know where that £5 you were sending me has gone ;)

^^lol, take it you haven't recieved it....thats a re send then.i'll bang another fiver to you 2moro morning, bet some little pikey at royal mail saw it through the envolope LOL:( .

How you finding the R27 now you've had a few weeks with it?
  182trophy & Williams
nah nothing yet fella... tbh i just put it down to your being busy and forgetting!

so is the 1.2 still with you then??

stuck in the post today, should b with you in a couple of days.

yea, my sister is eventually gonna buy it of me when she passes her test, so at the moment its my runaround, which i'm loving, keeps un-necessary miles of the trophy + now its winter, the trophy won't get covered in salt and sh!te.

I think we need to do a "trophy meets LYR27 photoshoot" after christmas , when the weather is a touch warmer. what u reckon?
  Golf R
yup that sounds like a perfect idea mate... i never really got any decent pictures of 474, so it'd be nice to get some of both together, and also of 474 alone :)
  182trophy & Williams
cheers guys, i think i need to get 474 to some meets after christmas. there any planned for next year?
  182trophy & Williams
hiya mate, welcome to CS quick question, how come you have two cars?

my main reason is to keep unnecessary miles if the trophy. I use the dynamique everyday for work and going out, then the trophy for weekends. i'm goin to downgrade the runaround after xmas for some £500 piece of sh!te, i'm thinking another clio.
  182trophy & Williams
Rudi's just rich ;)

I got your cash yesterday fella... thanks a lot :D

Nice one. No thank you

where's the pictures of them fitted then? :)

just got one on my side.the passenger side still has that plastic covering stuck to the base plate, so i'm gonna be sad and wait for it to come of on its own:boring: :eek: .

cheers ollie, very creative lol :)
  b/g 182, meg tourer
love the trophy, seen pics of it on here when gareth owned it. love the plate too ;)
p'boro meet soon
  Peugeot 106 GTI
I swear i have seen that actually mate, looking at the plate!!! somehwere around hampton possibly!!
