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Newbie from Manchester


  '99 Clio 1.2 8v RT
Evening folks, Thought i'd introduce myself. Just picked up a little cheap Clio - It's only a little 1.2 8v (I think!) on an S plate. Bit rough around the edges but can't complain for less than £500 with 12months MOT + 6 Months Tax. Just needed something quick as i was running around in a 106 Roland Garross but the MOT was looming and it wasn't looking good!.

The idea is i'm going to bomb around in it for a few months, fix all the little niggles then pass it over to the Mrs. for her to cart the little'un around in and i can get something a bit more exciting. (Possibly 172?) :rasp:


(First job is to get rid of those wheel trims - Well, the ones that havent already fallen off!)
